Title: Spock's Logs 6 Author: Istannor Series: TOS Part: 1/1 Rating: [PG13] Codes: Summary: This is set After the mission known as Balance of Terror. We give our thanks to Ambassador Spock's estate for allowing us to view these records. It allows us an unusual insight into the process by which the most famous Command team in Starfleet history, became a team. Disclaimer: These are the characters of Paramount and Viacom. They own them. I only check 'em out from the library. I promise to bring 'em back. Spock's Logs 6 Stardate 1711.3 I am shaken by the recent events involving the Romulans. They are the Lost, those who fled Vulcan to avoid the teachings and the changes brought about by the Rise of Surak. They are Vulcan untamed and unrepentant. The Commander of the Praetor's Pride was my father's reflection. This means that it is possible I have participated in the death of a distant relative. I regret he did not choose life. This is the way of ancient Vulcan. They never surrendered. Always, the battles were to the death, of armies, families, tribes, villages, towns, and cities. This is what decimated our planet and led to the rise of Surak. Had logic not claimed us, oblivion would have, or so we were taught. Yet, if this is so, why are the Romulans still alive and flourishing, having denied the necessity to be governed by the dictates of logic and the mastery of emotions? They are obviously extremely emotional and warlike, as were my ancestors, and they survive. Perhaps all of Vulcan could have survived without the absolutism of Surak. I realize this line of reasoning approaches anathema to many Vulcans, but thoughts must take their logical course. No area can be sacrosanct. I will meditate on this at length. It was the continued visual stimuli, of fighting my father's doppelganger, and dealing again with the illogic of racism which led me to unconscionable errors. I am unable to forgive myself for having broken our silent run status. Captain Kirk has forgiven me, and he allowed me to decide on an appropriate self-drill, so that I will never make a similar error again. I am now able to reconstruct the entire science station, and exit from under the counsel, in 2 hours and 23 minutes, without the use of my hands on the surface of the station. The Captain has indicated that he is satisfied that I will not make such an error again. A lesser Captain, would have put me on report or reduced me in rank for such an error, but then a lesser Captain, would have died with our ship in this last engagement. The Romulan Commander was brilliant, and he certainly had superior weaponry. There was no logical reason for him to lose this engagement. We are fortunate that Captain Kirk is not limited by logic. I now see that logic would have limited us, and most probably defeated us. There was no direct logical argument in favor of Kirk's choice of tactics. Logic did not win the day, subtle readings of an unknown commander's skills and strategies by a man that I am just beginning to understand, is what has us alive and the Romulans dead. I mourn their loss to their families. The attacks on the outposts were without honor, but I believe the Romulan Commander was as much a victim of his Governmental policies as was the crew, who died on the destroyed outposts. I am honored to serve on this ship. My Captain gave his fallen enemy honor and allowed him his pride, as he chose death over dishonor. Kirk will be chastised by Starfleet for not beaming the man over immediately and incarcerating him, to hold him for interrogation. Both he and I know this. His choice was illogical, but appropriate to the situation. If the Romulans are true to Vulcan heritage, Kirk's act may have done more to halt a war, than the actual destruction of the Romulan Warbird. The entire episode was beamed back to Romulas with the ships destruction. Uhura was able to intercept the broadcast and we watched the entire event from the viewpoint of the Romulans. The Praetor will do the same. They will see a ship commanded by a child Captain, at least in their view. That ship, with inferior weaponry, defeated their flagship. The Human commander of that ship honored the Romulan way when he had no requirement to do so. They will be hard put to vilify us to their military rank and file, or their ruling class, when there was no dishonor. I have postulated that they maintained some of the pre-reform Vulcan traditions of Warrior caste and Ruling Caste. This may not true, however evidence gleaned from historical research on Romulan-Federation interactions would lead me to decide that this is the case, with an assurance of 72.5%. There will be no Ashv'cezh, if the Romulans still practice this as we did in ancient times, and as we do today. There is no disgrace in losing to the superior skill. This will give them pause. I am at ease, in a way I have never felt before in life. My Captain has kept his word. He told me: "I will support and protect you whenever you have a need, without reservation." He has done so, against the stares and open innuendoes of Stiles. He continues to do so, against any doubts the rest of the crew may have. Of course, the regular bridge crew has been openly supportive and I honor them for this. Kirk's example has rapidly diffused any repercussions I may have experienced from the rest of the crew learning that the Romulans are of Vulcan stock. His example has caused me to feel more secure in my position. He will not judge me unfairly, nor abandon me. I have never experienced this type of surety before, ever. It is... intoxicating. The Doctor has arranged a meeting with me. I surmise it is to discuss my earlier meetings and discussions with the Captain. The issue is resolved. I will inform McCoy of that. I would not willingly renounce the current state of my existence. I will not willingly renounce having someone who believes in me and trusts me to act appropriately, not because I am Vulcan, but because I am Spock. End Log