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Hello, ( your name here ) welcome to my homepage. Look at that counter, it went up allot! That counter does not count multiple hits, like some people's do. I have made some more webpages, and I hope you like them. Coming with the new webpages, is something i would like to call, Poison Web. Poison Web is a very small version of the world wide web. It has all my pages on the internet in it. (more about Poison Web below)

Since this is my homepage, i must put alittle bit about myself on it, I am a teenager, I use my computer all the time. Most of the time you can catch me here on the internet or playing Duke Nukem 3D. My computer is very important to me. Why you ask? It helps me connect to people around the world, helps me with my reports and projects for school, and provides lots of entertainment. I love my computer so much, I made a webpage for it called Poison's Computer. Do you think my life is interesting? If you do click here to learn more about me, where i live, when i was born etc. Yes, i do have friends! click here to meet them. Please look at everything in the Poison Web because you maybe missing out on something really cool!!

The following are my webpages, created and maintained by me, Poison and are all part of the Poison Web

Poison's Hideout

Get everything you need here, from war dialers to cracking programs, all the warez you need to get on track.

Poison's Duke3D page

A page dedicated to the best game ever Duke Nukem 3D, everything you need to know, on Duke3d, right there

Poison's Kwik-E-Mart

I am a Channel OP, at the #kwik-e-mart a IRC channel, We talk about anything, so why don't you come by and say "Hi" to me, for more info click on Kwik-E-Mart.

Poison's Arcade

This is my arcade, where you can download the best computer games, and get infomation on video games and computer games, and some other cool stuff.

Poison's Picks

This is a page of the best webpages i have seen, so much i have made a poison seal of you think your webpage is good enough to have a PSOA (poison seal of approval)

Poison's Berkshire County Gaming League

This is for people in the Berkshires, that play computer games on modems, i help run BCGL and made the pages, if you are from the Berkshires and like to play computer games over modems, i suggest you join the Berkshire County Gaming League

Poison's Friends Page

This is a page, for people i know, that are somewhat my friends, just so you know.

Who Is Poison Page

My who is Poison page, will clear up any questions you may have about me, it tells all about me.

Poison's Computer

My computer is so important to me, i made a page for it on the web, you can see a real picture of my computer, and a real picture of my modem. I am crazy about my computer, sue me.

Poison's Search Page

The only way to navigate the WWW, is to use search engines and i have the top ones all on one page!

Now for some entertainment

Dance with my cyber woman!! Watch her move!!

(People with Netscape 2.01 or higher only can see her move)


Some of my favorite places to go

C/NET Online< C/NET Online, lots of downloads and infomation

North Adams State College<The college where my sister goes, they have a cool computer lab were i can scan pictures, and use a mac.

The Berkshires < Check out were i live!!

Gateway 2000 <Buy a Gateway, I did!!

NUKE<Place for gameing info

SportsZone <Check out, Sports Scores

Happy Puppy <Get the Top Shareware Games

Mr. Showbiz < choose a movie, than get reviews here!

Freetel<Have a microphone? Then talk over the internet for free with me, with freetel!! I like it better then internet phone to tell you the truth

More links to come !!!!

Poison Survey

Please answer these questions and give it to me.

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Rate my page from 1 being the worst and 5 being the best

Comments, Suggestions, and Question type in this box

Please e-mail me, i would love to hear from Duke Nukem 3D fans, computer geeks (Programers) and teenaged girls also if you are really bored and have no life, you can e-mail me "Hi" and if you have any problems getting this page, please e-mail me about it so i can fix it.

© Copyright 1996 John Clark

Do not copy anything off this page please.

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