"I've always been backward on morals, but I do know how to dress appropriately for any given occasion, and that's more than half the battle."
- The Stray Lamb
Thorne Smith was one of the top writers of American humor in the late 1920's until his untimely death in 1934. His works have been endlessly imitated - but never duplicated. His most famous works were immortalized on the silver screen - most notably Topper, starring Cary Grant, and The Passionate Witch (renamed "I Married a Witch"), starring Fredrick March and Veronica Lake. His works were full of satire and wit combined with a heavy dose of unbridled, whimsical, intoxicated sexual innuendo. Unfortunately, many of Smith's works are out of print. The STORE link offers the best possibility of securing one of Smith's books. His first editions are highly sought after collectibles - so browse those used bookstores! So why bother with a web page for Thorne Smith? Smith was an extremely creative innovator that brought smiles to the faces of the Depression era. He found a niche that allowed the common man (white and blue collar alike) to dream of breaking free of the mundane bonds of day-to-day existence and to enjoy the simple things that make life enjoyable. This page was set up, in part, to remind people that there are forgotten treasures like Thorne Smith waiting to be discovered all over again. Click on one of the links for further information and enjoy!