Last update: March 4, 2001 This site was redesigned on 15 June, 1999. Since then, there have been this many hits:
You may be Damaging The Kingdom!
It's a fictional work based on my life thus far.For those of you who may be reviewing this site because I included it in my resume, I do hope that you like what you see. I am very enthusiastic about my faith which is why this site is about my faith. I assure you that the same enthusiasm that I have about my faith is just like my enthusiam about web and graphic design. So please, take some time to browse around my site. All of the graphics on this site were developed by me. I didn't create the original fire graphic, but I used it to develop the background, buttons and hr lines that make up the complete set. If you would like to see more of my work, click on the On Fire Graphics button at the bottom of the page. I admit that there is still alot about web and graphic design that I don't know, but I'm always willing to learn. I also admit that my site doesn't have the finished polish look that the average professional site does, but everyone has to start somewhere. Designing and maintaining web sites has been a great hobby for me, but to do it professionally would be a dream come true. Please enjoy your visit. Take care.
Welcome to my newly designed web site. My name is Julia Catron, and I will be your tour guide. My family is currently stationed at Fort Mead, Maryland. For those of you who have been here before, you can tell that I have changed the layout and the theme of my page. I give all the credit to God for allowing me to be so creative with my skills in web design and graphic design. My page used to be somewhat calm and soothing, but I have decided to let my boldness come through with this new design. Why? Because with the fire God has lit inside my heart and soul, I just can't remain calm anymore. On these pages, I will testify about the wonderful love of God that I have come to know since February 14, 1999. So, get ready to feel the fire of the Holy Spirit! I know that it's no coincidence that God chose Valentine's Day to win over my heart. Nor is it a coincidence that my rebirthday came on Easter Sunday, 1995. As a wonderful lady named Gwen Shamblon will attest to, there are no coincidences, there are only Godincidences. I agree. All things have already been planned for us, and for our good if we will simply choose to reach out and grab ahold of them. I have no scripture reference for my title, but there is one that fits in with my testimony because I LIVED this scripture personally.
Revelation 2:10 "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."
To read my testimony about this scripture, please click here.
Check out my newest encouraging message! Click here!
I embellished these graphics with Paint Shop Pro 5 using the Animation Shop program that accompanies it. If you're impressed and you would like to see more of my handiwork, click on the On Fire Graphics button below. If you would like to use any of the above graphics, please email me.