Joker's Reflects

As you may have guessed this is Joker and he will tell you his views on some issues effecting todays world.

1. Princess Di, although I regret the lose of any human life except those on death row, I'am not in tears about the tragic events that took her from us. They knew the limits of the road and decided to run from a camera man on motor cycle. They met with the fate they chose. Please let's not overlook that this was another drinking driving case that could have killed many more then were killed. I feel that EVERYONE in the car was at blame for this not just the drunk at the wheel. Had the driver been at clear mind would he had chosen to drive over 120mph in a tunnel with a speed limit of 30?

2. North Korea is becoming a pressure cooker with recent defectors and the on going hungar. The world should take note that this country will lash out before the government is over taking by the people. Seoul will become a blood bath before this is over.

3. The new tax rules will benefit the market with hundreds of dollars in mutal funds being used for the new educational IRAs and it will help slow the fast turn mutals to allow lower tax costs.

4. I predict William Cohen current SOD to be the Republican nomination for President.

5. I believe that we should all pay for our blunders and that President Clinton should face trial as long as the there is a case to pursue. If Joker was going to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar I think I would have picked a better looking woman..God, WHAT A HONKING NOSE...But I guess we had to be there.


6. China will crack down hard on the new aquired Hong Kong soon!

7. Another brokerage will fall victim to takeover..Payne Weber is my guess!

8. PC market will have largely lower earning 3rd quarter.

Old but still effective!

The picture above is of a plane that is being decommisioned although it still does the job well. This is exactly what is being done with the American elderly.

This nation should be ashamed on how it treats it older generation. These humble Americans are hard working, experienced, and most of all dependable. Very often they are on time or ahead of time and willing to spend the extra few minutes to pay attention to detail and give curtious help.

I ask everyone to look around and see what type of employees you want for your business or type of friend on the job. A back stabbing young punk with an ear ring in the nose if not the ear or someone grandmother.

Yes, these elderly people need work but much more then that they need our gratitude and thanks. Think the next time you have a chance and hire or praise our working older class!

Joker has Republican backers for a union free America.

Eielson AFB, Alaska
United States