He sits now gazes at nothing His mind floats away like a peice of driftwood on the tides A tear races down a worried cheek The love that was once as certain as the sunset Now seems to have lost it's way Drifting alone on the ocean's swells But no matter how high the waves Or how strong the gust It can never sink So he kisses a finger,holds it high into the air And lets the southern winds carry the kiss away To land on lips, loved still to this day.
Waves wash the sand from under my feet Slowly it pulls away and there I stand Sometimes I feel you slipping away Because of reasons I don't understand I do feel my heart ripping in two But there I stand,reaching out Trying to hold on to you.
He lays there With death at his side He thinks of the times alone on the tides He sees an image Though not of the ocean or her treasures inside But of a beautiful angel Hair of auburn red, eyes glowing green She reaches out to him Together they fly High above the deepest blue of mother ocean She lets him fall Slowly he drifts,his eyes locked onto hers,a never ending gaze As he slips into the ocean's belly Forever to be held by the one he loved.
O Angels, O Angels Come take this pain from me From this hotel room so far away My soul has been mortally wounded O Angels, O Angels Take me back to the places I love Fly me back on wings of doves Take me to the ocean to rest O Angels, O Angels My life has taken such twist There were days so special I dare not say But now i wander in the darkness of my memories O Angels, O Angels Let me rest Let me sleep Let me awake to the memories Let me live them one more day RLO2002 PAW PAW's BABIES