Welcome to my corner of the World Wide Web. Take off your coat, have a seat, stay awhile.
My site is a reflection of all the different parts of my life. From hobbies like aquaria and model building, to pets, to friends and family, to my adventures in the military. I will try to keep my site as organized and interesting as possible. Also, my site will always be under construction so stop by often, there's no need to be shy.
This is a photo of me and some friends. I'm
sitting on the left. This picture was taken in '97
while on a roatation through the National Training
Center(NTC) in Ft. Irwin CA. Situated right smack in
the middle of the lovely Mojave Desert. My friends and
I are sitting in a m113 armored personnel carrier that
has been visualy modified to resemble a Russian BMP.
You are looking at the rear of the tank, into the
inside, with the ramp down. You can find more
information and pictures of my units rotation through
NTC throughout my site.
If there are any problems with my site, for example dead links, or wrong information, by all means click on my email link below and let me know. I'd love to hear from you. If you would also sign my guestbook I would appreciate it.
Some of my pages are very graphics intensive. They load fine, but if you have an older system, it may take a few seconds for the page to fully load. Please be patient.
I know you are dying to know the weather over here.
There was a time when I was able to say that this entire site was built with solely a webtv. But I can no longer make that claim. I have since canceled my webtv account and my wife and I have purchased a gateway computer. So that's what I am using now to update my pages. All original photos are not to be taken or linked to unless you have permission from me. All you have to do is ask.
The military portion of my is still in it's infancy in terms of building all the actual pages. I just don't have a lot of time lately. But, you can look at the few pages that are running. Hope you enjoy them.
Well, a friend of mine got his act together and he made a page for Eva and I on his site. It has a bunch of pictures from our wedding that he took himself. Head on over there and take a look.
For those who are close to me, you already know. But for those who don't,I am now a I have been hired to the Waterbury Fire Department. I have completed the training and have since been assigned to Engine 10 which is downtown at the departments headquarters. I also have Truck 1 in my house. I was very lucky to get a drop at this house and I have an outstanding crew. I have finally met with the real beast instead of his little brothers. It was very exciting and very chaotic, but we got the job done. It seems that meeting is just what I needed because since then I have gotten a string of fires. Also, Mike C's lees spicy shrimp has been known to be the dinner for fires. We had it that night...and I can't wait till Mike cooks it again. ;-)
I have a God son. Click here. Cute huh?
Eva and I just purchased a Chevy Tracker. It's a 99, 4 door (keeping the future family in mind ;-) and 4x4.
I have added a new page to my site for those keeping marine tanks to see the MO shops I have ordered from. I set this up for those who have questions they want to ask before making a purchase at a paticular store. You can get to that page directly by clicking here.
Here you can see a little poem/story about fire fighters. It's very good..take a look at it.
My aquariums
Here you can see and learn about my three marine aquariums. I have a thrity gallon reef tank, a 75 gallon reef tank, and a 75 gallon fish only tank.
My Cats
I have two cats who not too long ago used to be tiny little kittens. They are Sammy and Freddy. Go visit them.
Here you can find some info and a few pics(more very soon) of my units rotations through the National Training Center in the Mojave Desert.
Here is a little poem for those who know about retreat, which is played at COB on military posts. It will make you think next time you try to beat it to the gate.
The Story of Taps
My friends homepages
Check out the webrings I belong to.