Haynes Genealogy
This is a Haynes Family research site and link.
Created by Joseph L. Yancey Jr.
27, December 1997
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When I started this project I had been separated from my family for about 30 years and had just made contact with them again.
I attended a family reunion in Alabama consisting of mostly first cousins and their families. One of those cousins "Eulalia Wellden" shared with me a genealogy project that she had worked on for several years and later sent a copy of the whole packet to me. It is from that packet and interviews with family members and from my own memories that is the source for the "Yancy" database.
I worked on my maternal line The Haynes' from memory and interviews of relatives by telephone for several years then in 1996 a cousin "James Haynes" since deceased reminded me of a Haynes family reunion which was always held on Sand Mountain Alabama. In 1997 I finally got a chance to attend the reunion along with all my brothers and sisters except for my sister Martha who was unable to attend. I met a lot of very loving relatives among those relatives was a lovely lady (Lynne Wallace) who like me was looking for family info. She gave me an almost complete tree of the Jasper Haynes line and that is what is the real basis of my "Haynes database". Thank you Lynne.
Haynes Photos (new)
Note: This GED File contains Errors and will be updated from time to time. All help is appreciated.
Sites with information or connections to Jasper Haynes:
Terrell, Evans, Duke, Shipp, etc. Jasper Haynes - The 7th Generation at (http://home1.gte.net/t7789ter/May.htm) t7789ter@gte.net
The Nicholas DAY Family Another Jasper Haynes (1797-1826) wally@calweb.com
Will of Jasper Haynes (1715-1781) Including notes. Signed 19 1779 Milton_Scott@bigfoot.com
Mount Zion Cemetary Photos of grave markers. josephy411@aol.com
New Caanan Cemetary Photos of grave markers. josephy411@aol.com
If you know of another site or would like to update any of the information please email me at josephy411@aol.com
Ancestors of Ralph Terry Surname list includes genealogy of Henry Haynes, Sr. born 1701 King & Queen County, VA, researched by Ralph Terry of Coleman, TX
Andrews Family Lines Surname index includes the genealogy of Walter Haynes 1583-1664 of Sudbury, Massachusetts researched by Ross D. Andrews of Manassas, VA
BEADLES - Orange County, Virginia, Cass and Macon Counties, Illinois Lucinda Haynes Dau of Jasper Haynes (1715-1781)
Haynes Family Genealogy Forum is a good place to meet others who might be researching your Haynes family.
Haynes Family Tree John L. Haynes' web site is devoted to Virginia Haynes families, starting with William Haynes 1710-1780.
Haynes Family Web Site The Virginia family of William Haynes (1710-1780), and his descendants; mostly in
Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Texas and D.C.
Haynes Mailing List (including Hanes, Haines) Subscribe and post to a mailing list.
HAYNES OF WEST VIRGINIA (Samuel Haynes 1812)
Jasper Haynes Genealogy Tree (Interactive): Jasper Haynes (1715-1781) of Culpepper Co. VA josephy411@aol.com
County, New York GenWeb Page , A great Web
Site and BigTree
Genealogy created by Andrew Burdett.
Haynes Web site: Genealogy of Bartholomew, David and James
SCOTT Family Line Jasper Haynes (1715-1781) This site contains Notes and wills Milton_Scott@bigfoot.com
WEB SITES & HOMEPAGES Haynes Family Genealogy Many links to Haynes Hanes Haines Pages
Other Sites of interest:
TheShipsList Searchable Archives Database http://www.chignecto.net/TheShipsList
TheShipsList Digest's On-Line at: http://www.cimorelli.com/ShipsList/digest
Tony Cimorelli's Searchable Database of Ship Arrivals (Contains the complete Morton Allan Directory of Ship Arrivals) http://www.cimorelli.com/vbclient/Shipmenu.htm
Lou Alfano's Database of Ship Description's and Histories http://www.fortunecity.com/littleitaly/amalfi/13/ships.htm
Solem and Swiggum Database of Norwegian Ships http://digidesk.jbi.hioslo.no/~emigrant/index.htm
Cyndi's List - Over 26,000 Genealogy links in over 70 categories! http://www.CyndisList.com
National Archives and Records Administration - Genealogy Section http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/
Updated 07-23-1999
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