Yes, I already new this but I was recently notified that it was not in the any of the walkthroughs. Here is the message! From: Steven Hardican (kdbarron) Date: Fri Jun 12 22:40:09 1998 Shining Force I Something that you may already know but don't have listed is that during the battle directly following the first sight of Pao, one of the enemies carries a HEAT AXE. When you defeat him, you will receive the axe, considering you have space in that particular fighters inventory. After you get the HEAT AXE, have your main character egress and restart the battle. Get a second HEAT AXE the second time around and equip them on Gort and Luke. This weapon is extremely powerful and is stronger than the majority of the following axes and if you haven't stumbled on them yet, you should really make it a point to get them.