Copyright 1997 by Shuriken
-------------------Chapt. 3 Gathering----------------------------------

The madman gazed at the stars from his newly acquired dwellings. The previous owners wouldn't be needing the Inn anyway. Especially after meeting their rather untimely and painful demise. He thought it was foolish to just invite a total stranger in, after all, who knows what kind of person they could be?

Turning his gaze toward the ruins toward the north, his thoughts returned to what the woman said about it's history. "Evrai Grand Church" he mused, "Grand Church of Evrai, feeding ground for a delusional demon. Thinking he's God. I'M the only GOD!" Turning toward the dead couple behind him, he continued to shout at thier lifeless bodies for a hour about how they weren't listening and paying him the respect he deserved. After all, didn't he graciously accept their invitation to dinner? Didn't he graciously ignore thier cries of mercy after he got the information he wanted and decided that they didn't need such a fine building? Ungrateful fools, they were.

After awhile, he turned back to the problem at hand. It seemed that his magic doesn't work in this world the same way it works in his. He decided that he may need help for a while. Until he can get things in order, that is.

Of all the things going on in Sabin Figaro's head, the person least in his thoughts was Vargas. But in Vargas's head, however, Sabin Figaro occupied his thoughts most of the time. Actually, a better way to put it was: Vargas wanted Sabin Figaro dead, Dead, DEAD. But, this was a difficult feat to achieve, since Sabin had grown much more powerful since that last battle 2 years ago. So Vargas had been training himself, every single solitary waking moment, with only one thought in mind, the aforementioned death of the Figaro.

He had also gone quite insane in the meantime...

So, being on the top of Mt. Zozo, in the pouring rain, screaming at the top of his lungs at the voice from something he couldn't see, didn't seem out of the ordinary to him. (It wouldn't seem out of the ordinary to most of the Zozoans as well, but that's another topic.)

A few hours ago, Vargas was awakened from his sleep by a voice urging him to come here. The voice said that unbelievable power was waiting for him, enough to make Sabin Figaro dead, Dead, DEAD, DDDEEEEAAAADDDD. Vargas didn't need anymore prompting. "I'M HERE!!!!" he screamed out at the clouds, "NOW GIVE IT TO ME!!"

"Hee, hee, so you are.." came the voice. Vargas quickly turned around and saw an apparition. "Yes," said the ghostly image, "you want to wield power, do you?" "Yeah, now give it to me!" Vargas yelled. "Now, now, hee hee, there are some.. shall we say agreements to be agreed upon, deals to be dealed, etc, etc." the image laughed "but first, simply take this.."

A small egg shaped item appeared at Vargas's feet. "What is this?" Vargas questioned as he picked the item up. "Just a.. shall I say.. passport to vengence! Simply push that button on the side." The ghost answered.

"Fine, Sabin Rene Figaro, soon you will die!" Vargas screamed as he pushed the button. "Eh, WHA?!?"

Vargas felt a sear of pain, there was a flash of light, then all went black..

In the basement of an abanded building in Capitan, the NWR was having it's sixth meeting. But this wasn't another ordinary meeting. This time, plans were being formed.. The New World Regime was planning on making it's debut to the world, and Evans help those fools who got in it's way..

The New World Regime was formed out of the 'need' to halt the further 'infestation' of humanoid species. The leader, a Walter Tarvis, felt that these creatures were the cause of most, if not all, of the world's problems. 'General' Tarvis stood before his 'army' of 56 people, mostly consisting of Evrai members. His ranks needed to grow, and even now, word slowly was leaking out of the man who will destroy the ones who ruined the Grand Church of Evrai's good name. While this wasn't exactly what the Regime was created for, Tarvis didn't care what they thought as long as he gets new soldiers.

"My people, as you know, the human race is rapidly being overtaken by these inhuman creatures!" Tarvis shouted, "We need to band together and put these things in their place!" As he said this, the crowd roared with approval. While most didn't approve of Tarvis's ideals, the fanatical need to take revenge for what happened to Evrai drove them to this man. "Look at what's been done recently by these.. things. The Grand Church of Evrai, destroyed. The founder, Habaruku, killed for no reason other than pure malice! And Highfort's army, you know that any day now those monkies will start invading us!" Tarvis roared. (The highlanders actually weren't even thinking of doing any such thing since Sten Legacy stopped Evan's flunky from initiating a full out war last year.) Once again, the small crowd cheered. "And now, the Windians are preparing a secret army to crush the remnants of the Evrai church! We must eradicate them!" (This was made up, but since he had them going now, might as well keep the momentum going.)

In the back of the group, a man watched Tarvis. His face expressionless, he stared at Tarvis as he spewed his made up delusions and distorted facts. Two nights ago, he was hired by an undisclosed source to keep tabs on this man. And keep tabs he will.

"Next week," Tarvis continued "Coursair will reopen the Coliseum, and you know what will happen then!" At this, the crowd murmured amongst themselves. Finally, after several seconds, a lone hand shot up in the middle of the crowd. "Yes?" Tarvis asked the owner of the hand. "Uh, there will be lots of fights, and, uh, food, and, and.. beer, and pretzels, and hot dogs! And.." The man would have continued, but the look from Tarvis silenced him. "No..." Tarvis said slowly, "Corsair will have, among it's honored guests for the festivities.." with this, Tarvis grinned slowly, revealing his perfectly shaped teeth. "The guests, will consist of King Kenneth Windia and his Queen Hina, and Princess Elforan from Highfort." With this, he turned around and paced back to his chair and sat down. He knew the process, and was just waiting for it to carry it's course.

First, more of the mumbling among the fools. Next, some shouts and insults being hurled. Now, the shouting got more intense, until finally...

A large burly man approached Tarvis's podium. "General, SIR!" He proclaimed. "Yes?" Tarvis replied. "We ask permission to make plans for Operation Deathknell, SIR!" the man bellowed. "As you wish." Tarvis replied as the man paced back to the crowd and started shouting orders. 'This is too easy!' Tarvis thought to himself.

The man in the back of crowd watched, and allowed himself a smile..

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