December 1998 Journal

December 1st (247): Well, last month showed a whopping 8 lb gain. God, I don't know what is happening to me. I joined the gym two weeks ago and have yet to even go one time. I hope this prozac kicks in soon and starts making me feel better. I haven't been keeping track of any of my totals for the Goddess Team in over two weeks. I haven't tracked my food in Dietwatch for a month. Obviously with the numbers, it shows.

December 7th (247): Well, I'm still here...sorry for the delay in updating my journal. I apologize to anyone who took the time to visit that didn't find anything to read. We went to Arizona this weekend to check out the area and look for an apartment. Its really beautiful out there. So much nicer looking than southern California. There wasn't any of the graffiti, smog, and traffic as is the norm here. The prices are much better for apartments there, as well. We are moving into a 3-2 townhouse (1250 sq ft) for $65 a month less than we are currently paying for our 2-1 apartment. The job market looks GREAT...I have the current classified ads from the paper and will start sending resumes out to let the doctors in the area know that I'm heading that way in a few weeks. As far as the dieting is going...well, it isn't. But I think I'm ok with that for now. Marcia had a very good suggestion to just try to maintain over the holidays and not gain any more. I'm going to give that a shot and try to get back on track once we get moved and settled in. And I've lived with this extra weight for 2 years now...guess another few months won't kill me. Marcia sent me the cutest little plaque to celebrate my -10 lb loss last month.. it says "Destiny Shapes Our Ends...Calories Shape Our Middles" Ain't that the TRUTH!!! Unfortunately it also shapes my butt, hips and thighs as well as my middle ;)

December 9th (247): Been busy trying to get everything packed up for our move next weekend and also trying to study for finals next week. ARGH!!! "Calgon...Take me Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!" I can do this...I can do this...I can do this... I am strong..I am strong...I am strong. I'll just be so glad when the holidays and the move is all over. Then I can concentrate on getting this weight off.

December 10th (???): One week and counting until final exams will be over and then the big move. I wish all this stuff was already over and done with. I'm trying to think positively about least we'll be able to start fresh in a brand new house, new carpet, freshly painted walls. The fun part will be trying to pack everything we have now and fit it all into the truck! December 13th (???): I'm afraid to even step on the scale. I know that is a very dangerous thing for me to do...because ignorance is bliss and I may be in for a very unhappy shock when I finally do step my big butt onto that scale. *sigh* I just can't deal with the weight issues on top of moving and finals this week. There is so much to be done and I just don't have the time or energy to get it all done!

December 15th (???): ok, ok.. I know I'm being really bad about not weighing myself. I've been so out of control on my eating lately that I just don't even want to see it on the scale. I've completed exam 3 of I guess I'm more than halfway over the hump this week. Wish I could say I'm more than halfway done with packing... (UGH!) We're leaving in 2 days and I don't even have everything packed up yet!! On a positive note... I've gotten A's on the 3 exams I've taken. Yay! Something good is happening to me after all!!!!

December 30th (???): Sorry for the delay in updating my journal. This has been the first time in two weeks that I've even gotten online. The move from California to Arizona went fairly well...except the U-haul we rented wouldnt go over 30 mph up the mountains!!!! What should have been a 6 hour drive, took us over 12 hours. Needless to say, I stopped payment on the U-haul check and they will not be getting their money unless they give me a discount on that piece-of-crap they rented me!!!!!! Christmas went well... I've been eating out of control for the last month though. I've decided to wait until January 1st to access the damage and then start from there. No use crying over whats over and done with. I don't know when I'll be able to update my journal again. Our cable modem won't be installed until January 4th. I'll try to get online before then to update, but if not, then I'll see ya'll in a week or so!!! Happy New Year to all!

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