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Full Name: Jonathan Gregory Brandis Birthdate: April 13, 1976 Sign: Aries Birthplace: Danbury, Connecticut Eyes: Blue Hair: Used to be dark blond, now darker brown Height: 6 feet tall Current Residence: Los Feliz, California Parents: Mary & John Siblings: None Jonathan Gregory Brandis was born on April 13, 1976 in Danbury, Connecticut to proud parents Mary and Greg. Jon began acting at the age of 2. His first commercial was for Fisher Price Toys. Around that same time he also worked for Buster Brown Shoes. (Can’t you just see that cute little guy on those posters?) When he was 9 years old his parents decided to move to California where Jon would be closer to the acting scene. He has been many movies both on the big screen and on TV, as well appeared in various syndicated TV shows. These 2 are the most complete lists I could find: Thanks to IMD.com for this list: Year That Trembled, The (2002) .... Casey Pedersen Hart's War (2002) .... Pvt. Lewis P. Wakely Fate Totally Worse Than Death, A (2000) .... Drew Ride with the Devil (1999/I) .... Cave Wyatt Outside Providence (1999) .... Mousy Two Came Back (1997) (TV) .... Jason Born Free: A New Adventure (1996) (TV) .... Randal Everett Thompson Fall Into Darkness (1996) (TV) .... Chad Her Last Chance (1996) (TV) .... Preston Good King Wenceslas (1994) (TV) .... Prince Wenceslas "Disney's Aladdin" (1993/I) TV Series (voice) .... Mozenrath SeaQuest DSV (1993) (TV) .... Lucas Wolenczak "SeaQuest DSV" (1993) TV Series .... Lucas Wolenczek (1993-1996) "SeaQuest 2032" (1995) (USA: new title) Sidekicks (1992) .... Barry Gabrewski Ladybugs (1992) .... Matthew/Martha Our Shining Moment (1991) (TV) .... Michael 'Scooter' McGuire It (1990) (TV) .... William 'Stuttering Bill' Denbrough (12) NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter, The (1990) .... Bastian Ghost Dad (1990) (voice) .... Additional Voices Stepfather II (1989) .... Todd Grayland Wrong Guys, The (1988) .... Kid Tim Oliver & Company (1988) (uncredited) .... Additional Voices Fatal Attraction (1987) .... Party Guest Mystery Magical Special (1986) (TV) .... Jonathan Thanks to True Obsession To Brandis (TO2B)for this list: The year that trembled as Casey Pederson 2002 Hart´s War as Waverly 2002 A fate totally worse than death as Drew 2000 Ride with the devil as Cave Wyatt 1999 Outside Providence as Mousy 1999 Two came back (TV) as Jason 1997 Born Free: A new adventure (TV) as Randal Everett Thompson 1996 Fall into Darkness (TV) as Chad 1996 Her last chance (TV) as Preston 1996 Good King Wenceslas (TV) as Prince Wenceslas 1994 Sidekicks as Barry Gabrewski 1992 Ladybugs as Matthew-Martha 1992 Our shining moment (TV) as Michael ´scooter´ McGuire 1991 IT (TV) as Bill Denbrough 1990 The NeverEnding Story II: The next chapter as Bastian 1990 Stepfather II: Make room for daddy as Todd Grayland 1989 Poor little rich girl as ? 198? The wrong guys as Kid Tim 1988 seaQuest DSV as Lucas Wolenczak 1993/1994 seaQuest DSV aka 2032 as Lucas Wolenczak 1995 Mars: Base one as ? in Pilot episode ? Home free as ? in Pilot episode ? When mom and dad are away as ? in Pilot episode ? The Book as ? in Pilot episode ? Saved by the Bell; The College Years as himself 1993 ep. 1.10 ´A Thanksgiving Story´ Blossom as Steve 1991 ep. 2.6 ´To Tell The Truth´ Alien Nation as Andron 1990 ep. 1.20 ´The Touch´ The Flash as Terry Cohen 1990 ep. 1.6 ´Child´s Play´ Gabriel´s Fire as ? 1990 ? The wonder years as Steve 1988 ep. 4.19 ´The Yearbook´ The wonder years as Yearbook writer 1988 ep. 4.19 ´The Yearbook´ Full House as Michael 1987 ep. 2.11 ´A Littler Romance´ L.A. Law as Kevin Talbot 1986 ep. 2.2 ´The Wizard Of Odds´ Sledge Hammer! as young Sledge 1986 ep. 1.4 ´They Soot..´ L.A. Law as Kevin Talbot 1986 ep. 2.3 ´Cannon Of Ehics´ Murder she wrote as Kevin Bryce 1984 ep. 6.13 ´If The Shoe Fits´ Who´s the boss as Paul 1984 ep. 5.11 ´Your Grandmother..´ Aladdin (TV Series) as the voice of Mozenrath 1993 Ghost Dad additional voices 1993 Oliver & Company additional voices (uncredited) 1988 Short Time adr artist 1990 seaQuest DSV writer 1993 ´The siamese dream´ Between The Sheets Independant? 1998 Mystery Magical Special (TV) as himself 1986 Fatal Attraction as Party guest Fans should keep an eye out for Jon. You never know when he may pop up in a new movie. I know I had no idea how many projects he'd worked on since SeaQuest. I saw a couple of the TV movies, but I had no idea what he was up to. I finally realized that I was forgetting to look him up on my most valuable resource...the Internet. Jon if you come across this page, just know that your fans are stil out there and we love you! Fans can contact Jon through this address: (Thanks True Obsession To Brandis for this info) Write to: Jonathan Brandis 151 El Camino Drive Beverly Hills CA 90212
I remember falling for Jon the 1st time I saw his big blue eyes and that cute little face of his. I went to see Ladybugs with my best friend. We were 14 and I thought he was just he most beautiful boy I had ever seen. I remember eagerly awaiting cable to play Sidekicks because I had missed it in the theaters. (I taped both Ladybugs and Sidekicks when they came on HBO) I instantly became addicted to SeaQuest when it came on the air and taped almost every episode...which I still have by the way. I taped Born Free and Good King Wenceslas, and also have his small appearance on Blossom and Saved By The Bell. I had fallen hard for this blue eyed hunk. I even went as far as to go and by every teen magazine I could get my hands on and wallpapered my room with Jonathan pinups.(Jon broke the record for most covers on Bop Magazine...a title previously held by the New Kids On The Block.) My journey as a fan went to a very strange place in January of 1995. A friend who was supposed to take me to the prom backed out on me 1 week before the 1st Prom payment was due. I didn't know what to do. I spent a lot of time in my room looking at my walls...seeing Jon smiling back at me. I had a crazy idea that I knew never in a million years would work but I had to try. I took a chance and wrote to Jonathan. I told him what had happened and asked if it was at all possible for him to be my Prom date. I never expected a response, but I just had to send it anyway. What I didn't know was that my Mom...bless her heart had had the same idea. She wrote to Jonathan and asked him if it would be possible to take me to the Prom. See my Mom played a card that I don't like to use. I have had 2 heart transplants and yes my life has been pretty screwed up. I don't like to use that fact to try to make someone feel sorry for me. My mom mentioned it to make a point because at that point Jon had to be getting 1000's of letters a day and for his mom (who took care of screening fan mail at the time) to notice something and make her go back and read it, it would take something like that to catch her attention. Apparently it worked. On March 25 around 4:00 pm I was upstairs when the phone rang. I answered and there was a man on the phone who asked for my mom. I thought nothing of this and after she picked up I went downstairs. I saw the look on her face and asked her what was wrong. That's when she told me that it was JONATHAN'S FATHER. I nearly fainted right on the spot. Greg told my mom that Mary had read her letter. I was standing there still in shock. Jon was not at home because he was filming a pilot for a show at the time. I wish to God Greg had waited for him to be home so I could have spoken to HIM...although I dunno if I could have survived THAT without fainting. Greg said that although Jon would have liked to be able to take me to the Prom because of security reasons he couldn't. Greg was going to have Jon sign a bunch of stuff for me it as soon as he got back. I was about to go on vacation to Orlando with my dad as my graduation gift in less than a week. I'd be going to Universal Studious, home of SeaQuest. Unfortunately Greg had picked up Jon in Orlando and brought him back to California already. SeaQuest had wrapped for the season. I missed another chance to meet him. My Mom told Greg that the next time they were in Connecticut visiting relatives they should stop by for a real Italian meal. I know that Italian was one of Jon's faves back then. Greg knew the Bronx pretty well and knew where we lived, although to this day we have not gotten a visit (Hint, hint Jon if you are reading this the offer still stands) At least my Mom made him laugh. My package arrived on April 1st and I remember nearly blowing my best friend's eardrums out, screaming at the top of my lungs. I opened the envelope and inside was the Jonathan 1995 calendar, autographed. There were also 2 promotional photos (black and white 8x10) also autographed. What was my favorite thing though, was the set of SeaQuest Dog tags which I believe are a replica of the ones Jon wore as Lucas. The text read as follows: (line 1)Jonathan Brandis, (line 2) Lucas Wolenczak, (line 3) SeaQuest DSV, (line 4) Season 1994-95. I wish Jon had written me a note or something, but I know he was a busy guy. Just that he took the time to send me all that stuff made my day...hell he made my year. I took pictures with the stuff that night which will be shown below this whole story. I always meant to write to Jon afterward to thank him and I started to. I still even have the letter in an envelope. I was waiting for my Prom pictures to come back because I wanted him to have one. I don't know why I never got around to sending it. I guess I do actually. I met a guy in time for the Prom and I never seemed to get around to it. Every time I meant to re-write it and send it I would put it somewhere and then forget where it was. Then the dilemma of whether or not the fan club address was the correct one became an issue as time passed so I never sent it. ********************************************************************* Update 9/8/05 Sadly, I found the letter and the pics recently. I'm debating sending the pics to his parents with a sympathy card. My mom wanted to send one to them 2 years ago but she didn't have the address and has no clue how to use the computer to look one up. Anyway, here are the pics of me in my bedroom (note the Jon posters on the wall behind me)with the stuff Jon sent to me back in 1995. *****************************************************************
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