Welcome to Grobania

If you've found this page it's because you, 
like many others have discovered 
the amazingly talented Josh Groban. 
My name is Jackie and I'm 28 years old. 
I'm known as Jax by my fellow Grobanites. 

I first saw Josh perform with Charlotte Church 
at the Olympic Closing Ceremonies. My mom took me right to 
the computer to hear the Josh songs she'd had my brother 
download and the rest is history. 

When I found the Josh forum I was worried that I'd just 
be a "newbie" and get lost amid the posts, but that 
didn't happen. Everyone was friendly and quick to 
welcome a new member to the family.

I'd like to thanks a few of them now: 
Malin, Kurt, Michelle, Cynthia, Allison, 
Laura, Jackie, Connie,...I know I'm forgetting 
people...there are so many of you plus I've been away 
for 3 years so I apoligize...but thank you to all of 
my Grobanite family for welcoming a newbie and thank 
you to those who made it to the NY Grobanite party at 
my house. We have to do it again sometime!

So,if you're new to Grobania, don't worry. 
You'll be welcomed with open arms.
Before you know it you'll understand evrything...
or at least most of what you hear;
from what on Earth a Grobanite is, 
to what the deal is with Llamas in Speedoes (lol).
Come by the EzBoard online community: 
and you'll be able to find the answers to 
all your questions.
For info on how Josh got started hear it from 
the man himself on his official website 
www.JoshGroban.com in the "About" section.

Josh News

I've been out of the loop for a while, but you can 
always check the official site's news section 
for breaking news, as well as our community. 

Josh and Me after he performed on The View (5/29/02).
On May 29, 2002 I went to support Josh at his apperance on The View. I stood in the standyby line with a small group of my fellow Grobanites from our online community and hoped for a small mircale; that we'd get into the studio and that we'd get to meet Josh. As it turned out the fates smiled on us that day. Here is my story that I wrote shortly after I got home that day from downtown. (The pic of me and Josh is above the story.) My Josh Encounter at The View Okay I am still in shock, so if I seem to ramble it's cuz I still can't believe what happened to us today. Tiffany got there at 6:00, then Lin and her friend Allen arrived around 7:00. I finally got to the studios around 7:30. It was a LONG walk from the bus. I didn't know there was a bus that would have taken me DIRECTLY to the studio but now I do...should I ever choose to go see The View again. I walked from E71st to W66th (across Central Park and all the way to West End Avenue). For anyone who doesn't know that is a LONG walk. The heat didn't make it any easier, but for Josh it was so worth it! Anyway we're on the standby line getting acquainted and Tiffany showed us all this adorable Josh Bear she made...curls, microphone, white turtleneck with a rhinestone J, jeans and even the teddy bear the bear was holding had curls! While we were waiting Josh's publicist Liz walked by and stopped cuz she noticed the bear. She was super nice to us and told us that he was gonna love it and that he'd be arriving soon. We started to really get excited when we got our standby numbers. Tiffany noticed that her camera's battery was dead, but was reluctant to leave the line to get a new battery. We saw Josh come in at 8:30. He got out of the taxi and we knew it was him cuz we saw the curls before we saw his face. HE smiled and waved to us and said hi. Brian was rushing him inside when he saw Tiffany's bear. He turned and did a double take. He asked her "Is that for me? Can I have it now?" The look on her face..on all our faces at that moment was priceless.So she gave him the bear and I gave him my letter. (I dunno if he had time to read it backstage so he probably didn't read it yet.) Then Brian said they had to go in but that they'd see us after the show. I was so excited that I could hardly breathe after that. I couldn't believe that we'd just met him and that if we were lucky, we'd see him after the show. We decided to run really quick around the corner so that Tiffany could get a camera battery. We bought him flowers while we were at the store. I got him roses...a really pretty cream color…not the usual bright white ones you usually see and Tiffany got him pretty purple orchids. We got back and still had some time to kill. It was just 9 and we had to wait till 10:10 to go in. The intern was so nice and she said it was pretty much a guarantee we'd get in. She was right. We went in and went through the metal detectors and started sending people up in groups of 10 and 15. I got separated from the rest of the group cuz my number was 131 and they stopped the group before me at 130. I got put on the other side of the audience even though there was room on their side. I am still not happy about that because I didn't get on camera but Tiffany said that she couldn't see Josh perform from where she sat so maybe I really did get the better seat. He performed Gira Con Mi (For anyone who missed the show). It was the 1st time I've heard it and I love it. I got the album...finally on the way home. I wanted to get it this morning so he could sign it but nothing was open before the show. I ended up having him sign a page in a mini notebook I had in my purse...with his little doodle of himself...I love that! Josh came out and he looked great. (BTW to anyone who hasn't met him...pictures do not do him justice. He is even sexier in person.) He had Tiffany's bear with him. Anyone who saw the show got to see it. I said to her before we went in that it would be so cool if he brought it out with him and then he did! They didn't give Josh nearly enough time on the show but after the show we waited around to find out if Josh was still there. People told us he wasn't, but I wasn't going to believe it unless someone actually went to check. A really nice person there went to check for us and she told us he was in an interview. Then Brian finally came up to take us to meet Josh. I had butterflies the whole way downstairs and while we waited for Brian to bring him out. Josh came out to see us and was all smiles. He told us that he'd been really nervous (Later fellow Grobanites who'd been watching it on TV said they could see his hands shaking when he was holding the mike during the performance... poor Joshy.). Knowing that we were there helped him cuz most of the audience had no clue who he was and weren't there to support him they just came to see the show. Grobanites have POWER (lol)! I'm glad we were able to be there to support Josh and help him fight off some of his nervousness. I know performing live on TV has gotta be nerve wracking. He took pictures with us and signed stuff for us. We gave him our flowers and then Brian said they really had to go. Josh thanked us again and we said goodbye. It was a day that I will never forget. I am still grinning ear to ear. Jax Disclaimer: Any pictures on this site are for the sole purpose of promoting Josh Groban. If I am infringing on any copyrights, please notify me and I will remove the pictures promptly.

Other Josh Pages At This Site

The Grobanite Lounge
The second page at this site. More pics, and links to other Josh Sites.

Contact Info

Email: grobanitejax@yahoo.com AOL Instant Messenger: grobanitejax EzBoard: grobanitejax Thanks for stopping by! --Jax

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