Joshua Scott Chasez aka "JC"

JC was born on August 8, 1976 in Washington D.C., to 
proud parents, Karen and Roy.  Shortly after his birth, they 
moved to nearby Bowie Maryland, where they were joined by 2 
more children, a sister, Heather and a brother Tyler.
His parents saw JC’s talent early in his life, but did not push 
him to perform.  His mother’s side of the family is very musical,
so JC began singing at a young age and developed a love for
music. The first time JC sang in front of an audience was a
talent showcase. He sang Richard  Marx’s “Right Here Waiting
For You”. (I’d pay to see that!  I wonder if Karen has it on 
video?)  JC, ever the perfectionist, insists that he was not
afraid to perform in front of people when he was younger. 
“It wasn’t being scared to be in front of people. My thing was 
that I have to give them the best that I have.  I was always
 afraid of things not going well.  I’m still always nervous 
about what’s going to happen onstage.”
JC landed his 4-year stay on the Mickey Mouse Club at 
age 13. It was purely by accident, because he went with a friend 
who was auditioning, and they asked him to stick around!  Out 
of the 20,000 kids who auditioned that year, 10 were chosen,
and JC was one of them! (Justin’s audition had 30,000 kids 
and 7 chosen, and Justin was picked!)  When JC landed the MMC,
Karen stayed in Bowie with Heather and Tyler, while Roy, set 
up a second household in Orlando for himself and JC.  
JC appeared in the MMC’s seasons 4-7, and Justin in seasons 
6 -7.  In JC’s third year on the MMC, a 12 year old 
blue-eyed southern cutie joined the club--Justin Timberlake.
The 2 became friends almost immediately and the rest is 
“History”.  If it wasn’t for the MMC, Justin and JC wouldn’t
have been in Orlando to meet Chris and Joey. *NSYNC might 
have never been formed!
JC is the “serious guy” in the group. “I’m like the 
sanity in this big mix.  Everybody’s got their job. My job is
to remind everyone to be on time. I’m the serious one, and I 
like to make sure that everything runs smooth.  I’m the guy 
who gets everybody to buckle down.  As far as finding the 
focal point, that’s what I do.  When it’s time to buckle down, 
I say, ‘This is what we need to buckle down on and why’.”.  

Vital Stats:
Full Name: Joshua Scott Chasez (Pronounced Sha-Zay)
Date Of Birth: August 8, 1976
Birthplace: Washington D.C.
Hometown: Bowie, Maryland
Parents: Karen and Roy
Siblings: Heather, Tyler 
Pet(s): No info available right now
Heritage/Nationality: French Canadian & Irish
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5’10’’
Shoe Size: 11
Favorite Article Of Clothing: His Leather Jacket
Favorite Childhood Toy: A Raggedy Andy Doll made by his grandmother.
Drives: I have no idea lol..too hard to keep up with. 
(If anyone know for sure, please let me know and I'll post it) 
Favorite Sports Team: Washington Redskins
Fave Ice Cream Flavor(s): Mint Chocolate Chip & Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Fave Color(s): Blue 
Fave Food: Chinese
Fave Movies(s):  Star Wars, Indiana Jones
Fave TV Show(s): South Park
Fave Music: Sting, Brian McKnight, Seal
Fave Holiday: Christmas
Sexual Turn On: Lips (For me its Eyes!  
His eyes are sooo beautiful!)
Dream Vacation: Morocco
Astrological Sign: Leo
Best Mates: Sagittarius, Libra, Aries, and Gemini.
(Don’t be discouraged by this--opposites attract!  
Even if your star sign doesn’t match his best 
matches--who cares?!)
Bad Habit: Nailbiting
Worst Quality: Procrastination
Fear: Needles
Collects: Hard Rock Cafe Menus
Hobbies: Sleeping!
Sports: Football, Rollerblading, Weightlifting
Spice Name: “Sleepy Spice” 
Nicknames: Josh, "Big Daddy", "C"

Fun Facts and Tidbits:
JC on dating: “If I’m into a girl, I’ll take her on 
romantic dates, to see plays.  I’ve even been known to 
serenade a girl with a song written especially for her”.  
(Oh Baby! Sing to me, JC!)
JC is deathly afraid of needles, so while in 
Canada, when the group decided to become brothers in ink, 
he did NOT get a tattoo! “He almost passed out when we got 
our jabs for Africa!” stated Chris.  Poor JC!
JC’s First Kiss was when he was around 7 or 8!!  He was a 
little Romeo even then!  He says that it was during a game of
"Kiss Tag" on the playground or something. (Damn....we never 
played that at recess when I was little...we really missed some 
fun, huh?) I read that her name was Leah Thompson.
Lucky girl! Even then we females couldn’t resist that face!
At age 15, JC thought he was in love.  “She was a 
beautiful girl, inside and out, but it was a teenage thing.”  
He had to move and the relationship ended.  (That’s So Sad!)
JC once dated fellow Mousketeer Nikki Deloach, who was
a member of the now extinct girl group Innocence, 
managed by Justin’s mom Lynn.

JC used to play hide and seek by hiding under a 
laundry basket!  (Oh How Cute!) 

JC On His Necklace: “Honest, I’m not a real stylish 
person.  You see that...I wear a leather ribbon with my 
starsign around my neck.  I bought it at a music festival, 
where I was with my parents.  My necklace is silver, the 
design is Greek.  I bought it at a market last June. 
I really like it because it’s simple.”  I read that he 
got his starsign necklace at "King Henry's Feast"-- a dinner 
theather in Orlando, but I can't verify it, so i'm gonna stick 
with JC's quote. 

JC On His Own Personal Style: “My style ranges from 
semi-conservative to funky.” 	
In the *NSYNC video Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, 
look at JC’s goggles.  The band says “Scott”, which just 
happens to be his middle name!

     JC has fond memories of his MMC days, hanging with buds 
and fellow Mouseketeers Tony and Dale.

JC calls himself a “workaholic”.

Joey on  JC: “He’s very goal oriented.  He’s very focused
on what he does.”

Chris on JC: “He talks on the phone all night and I can’t 
get to sleep. It’s annoying!” 

JC’s Most Embarrassing Moments: Onstage--during a song 
his fly broke open!  It was open for 2 whole songs before one of 
the guys noticed and told him!  His tidy whities were showing and 
the first few rows got quite a show!  Unfortunately, they didn’t 
have another pair of pants for JC, but they pinned his fly shut 
for the rest of the show! (I wish I’d been at that show! 
C'mon ya'll know you we're thinking the same thing1) 
Offstage--he knocked down a display of skis or something, 
at an exhibition, in front of everyone!

JC says his worst quality is procrastination.  He waits 
until the last minute to go Christmas Shopping!
JC is the one in the group who likes Jazz, so don’t
be surprised if you see him hanging out in a Jazz club or 
coffee house somewhere!
Well, guys, that’s all for now!  I LOVE JC and putting 
this Bio of him together was so much fun!  
Stay *NSYNC Guys!  --jcsbouncyball

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