This is Jessicka. She is the lead singer of Jack Off Jill. She is also one of the 2 original JOJ members stil in the band. As well as being lead singer she also writes most of JOJ's lyrics. Jessicka used to go out with Twiggy Ramirez. Her and Twiggy just recently broke up. She is a very talented vocalist who can reach a variety or ranges. She is a huge part of in creating the unique sound of Jack Off Jill.
This is Robin (Agent) Moulder. She is the bass player for Jack Off Jill. She co-writes a few songs with Jessicka as well. She is the other 1 of the 2 original members presently in JOJ. She normaly always has an unnatural color in her hair in some way. She is an awesome bass player and really does alot for the band.
Claudia ??????

I don't really know anything about Claudia except she replaced Lauracet on drums not to long ago. If anyone has any info. on her please send it to me. Also if anyone has a picture of her I am in need of one of them also. Sorry for the lack of info.

This is the newest member of Jack Off Jill. Just about every JOJ fan knows who he is but for thoes who don't he is Scott Mitchell Putesky aka Daisy Berkowitz, the ex-Marilyn Manson guitarist. I have not heard him play for JOJ so I really can't say anything about what he has done for JOJ. All I can say is I hope he is as good or better than Ho Ho. We all will get to find out later this year when JOJ will release a remix album with Scott on guitar. Until then we can only wait.