CITC International

Inspired by Carolyn on the X-Files
Romantics Mailing List, I ran
the Conversation in the Car through
altavista's translator.  For the romantic
in you, here it is in several different
languages.  For the comedian in you,
here are the translations *back* to English.
(Nope, they aren't the same.

Original Conversation:

Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you. 

If there is an iced tea in that bag, could be love. 

Must be fate, Mulder. Root beer.
In French:
Mulder, je ne me mettrais pas sur la ligne pour quiconque mais vous. 

S' il y a un thé glacé du fait le sac, pourrait être amour. 

Doit être le destin, Mulder. Bière de racine.


Back in English:

Mulder, I would not put myself on the line for whoever but you. 

If there is a tea frozen of the fact the bag, could be love. 

Must be the destiny, Mulder. Beer of root.
In German:

Mulder, würde ich mich nicht auf die Zeile für jedes aber Sie setzen. 

Wenn es einen gefrorenen Tee dadurch gibt, daß Beutel, Liebe
sein könnte. 

Sein muß Schicksal, Mulder. Wurzelbier.


Back in English:

I would sit down to Mulder not on the line for everyone however you. 

If there is a frozen tea by the fact that bag could be, love. 

To be fate, Mulder must. Root beer. 
In Italian:

Mulder, non mi metterei sulla linea per qualcuno ma voi. 

Se ci è un tè ghiacciato in quanto il sacchetto,
potrebbe essere amore. 

Deve essere il destino, Mulder. Birra della radice.


Back in English:

Mulder, I would not put on the line for someone but you. 

If the bag is a tea ghiacciato in how much, could be love. 

It must be the destiny, Mulder. Beer of the root.
In Portuguese:

Mulder, eu não me poria sobre a linha para qualquer um mas você. 

Se houver um chá congelado que o saco, poderia ser amor. 

Deve ser o fate, Mulder. Cerveja da raiz.


Back in English:

Mulder, I would not set on the line for any one but you. 

If he will have a frozen tea that the bag, could be love. 

He must be fate, Mulder. Beer of the root.
In Spanish:

Mulder, no me pondría en la línea para cualquiera sino usted. 

Si hay un té helado en que el bolso, podría ser amante. 

Debe ser el sino, Mulder. Cerveza de la raíz.


Back in English:

Mulder, would not put in the line for anyone but you to me. 

If there is a frozen tea in which the purse, could be loving. 

It must be but, Mulder. Beer by the root.
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Iced Tea drinkers have become multi-lingual times so far