My Meet & Greet Page

This page is about my experiences meeting a few of the actors from Days of Our Lives. 

A couple summers ago, I went to White Water Bay (a water park) in Oklahoma City where Austin Peck was making an appearance.  I stood in line for at least an hour or two with my two friends.  We finally got to the front of the line.  We met Austin, had our pictures made with him, took pics, and got an autograph.  The next year Jensen Ackles came to White Water, too.  Below is some more about Austin and Jensen.

 This pic above is a pic of Austin signing his autograph for me at White Water Bay (a water park) in Oklahoma City. We got to meet him, take pictures and get his autograph. He was very nice and took time to talk with my friends and me about himself and the show.

*Note:  Please, do NOT for any reason copy any of the pictures on this page.  I took them personally and will not allow anyone to reuse them on a personal web page or for any other personal use!!!

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