The Growth of a Thinker:

A Chapbook of Poems

Jan Dejnožka

summary, praise,

and ordering information


This book of poems shows the growth of a thinker over a period of forty years. It contains most of the poems the author has written. The main subjects are philosophy, religion, and mythology. There are poems about love, karma, realization, death, rebirth, different religions and deities, and mysticism. The last two poems also explore and offer a unified theory of more technical topics such as perception and evidence, universals and particulars, being and nothingness, essence and accident, reality and illusion, ontology and metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics, justice and mercy, and personal and impersonal ultimate spiritual reality.


"Great read!" — Panayot Butchvarov

Panayot Butchvarov has been President of the Central Division, American Philosophical Association, and the editor of Journal for Philosophical Research. He was professor and chair of the philosophy department at the University of Iowa for many years. His books include Resemblance and Identity: An Examination of the Problem of Universals (Indiana University Press), The Concept of Knowledge (Northwestern University Press), Being Qua Being: A Theory of Identity, Existence and Predication (Indiana University Press), Skepticism in Ethics (Indiana University Press), Skepticism about the External World (Oxford University Press), and Anthropocentrism in Philosophy: Realism, Antirealism, Semirealism (Walter de Gruyter).

"The poems look great!" — Paul Nash

Paul Nash (Paul C. Nascimbene) and his wife Denise La Neve are active on the northern New Jersey poetry scene, and are two of the five co-editors of Beyond the Rift: Poets of the Palisades (The Poet's Press). Paul is also co-author of several scientific papers, some of which have made the national news. He conducts laboratory and field research on ancient organisms preserved in amber and sedimentary rock, and on the physicochemical nature of amber as a fossil substance. He developed the vacuum-embedding method now used for close preparation and long-term conservation of amber specimens (Nascimbene and Silverstein, 2001). He is a researcher in Paleoentomological Research and Collections, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and has been President of the New York Paleontological Society.

Ordering Information

The book may be ordered on and other sites.

There is also a free download of the book on ResearchGate.

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