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July/August '98 ~ Vol. 1, Issue #4

Apollo Online

~ an alternative e-zine that lets voices be heard ~

~ Deep Thoughts From the Editor . . . ~

Hey everyone! Okay, okay, so we did it again . . . I know we promised that "Apollo" would be a monthly publication, but sometimes ambitions are low and we tend to get writers' block. But a thank you to the few (but faithful!) writers who pulled together for this issue. It may be a bit smaller than the others, but it's worth the read, trust me!

Another new thing you'll notice is that we've decided to write under our (gasp!) *real names*. We came to this realization after visiting other online 'zines, where we encountered almost no other publications with writers who use pseudonyms. Now, you may be thinking: "so what? You should keep 'em and be original!" Maybe, but we thought we'd give this a go for a while. Especially now that we're in WebRings, and our 'zine will be viewed by *many* more people. (If you haven't checked out our rings, we have a page set up for them that you can view and click through. You might stumble onto a great new 'zine! We have!)

Also, by the decision of this very tired editor, I've gotten rid of the backgrounds on articles/freestyle sessions pieces of writing. Not that they weren't a good idea, but with most people either refusing to find themselves one (you know who you are!) or prefering to not use one, I thought I'd save myself *a lot* of time, and we'd do without them. So the articles may be a little less colourful, but just as interesting to read!

As always, we're looking for new writers, and original artwork too! You can view our first art submissions in the June '98 issue (see "Archives"), and feel free to send in your own original, scanned artwork. Thanks, and (hopefully) see you next month! :)

Jessica (Etienne)


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All works copyright 1998 by "Apollo" and all participating contributors.

Email: sun_rise@webtv.net