This Page

This page, as it is called, is here so I could say anything I want about this homepage, like messages, updates, problems, news... etc...


okie... Two more song lyrics; 'Father And Son' by Cat Stevens (which I thought I already uploaded and surprisingly found waiting in my mailbox..) and 'Wish You Were Here' by Pink Floyd (I should have had that one centries ago..)...

hmmmm..... Well I now redescovered the wonders of my mom's computer and have uploaded a few things for my new homepage, and a few for this one... The Rubbish Bin got a new heading and trash cans, but both will get better with time, I'll make them better... I recently downloaded new fonts for my computer, so everyone will have headings soon, and pictures too hopefully... and maybe I'll get round to making the three new artist pages I wanted.... we'll see.... or I will anyway, no one visits this page...

Howdy! I didn't get to see the K's Choice and Garbage concert that was here last month, and I didn't get to see Suzanne Vega's concert, so anyway, yesterday I bought K's Choice album "Paradise In Me"... Great album, though I still like "Cocoon Crash" better... so anyway, I got the lyrics up, the ones i really liked anyway, you can view them at Lyrics A-L or here; 'Dad', 'Iron Flower', 'Mr. Freeze', 'My Record Company', 'Not An Addict', 'Old Women', 'Only Dreaming', 'Paradise In Me', 'Something's Wrong', 'Song For Catherine', 'To This Day', 'Wait', 'White Kite Fauna'. Enjoy (I did).

I got a new page up, called The Rubbish Bin... I just decided to take a few lyrics off of my lyrics page so I put them there... from this 'dramatic outburst' a few artists have been damaged and are no longer presented on my site (except for in The Rubbish Bin), such artists include poor Donna Lewis, Bill Withers, Paul Young and more [yes, even Natalie Imbruglia(!)]... At this rate Bryan Adams might soon be gone, even The Eagles have had few losses that will spend a little time down at The Rubbish Bin and maybe come back later (not to worry, they're still alive and kickin')...

Ok, umm... added 3 songs.. 'Black Hole Sun' by Soundgarden, 'Just A Girl' by No Doubt and 'Lullaby' by Shawn Mullins... that's it for now..

Haven't updated in a while, I've been wandering the 'net and working on my new homepage (one of thousands... j/k. I guess I get bored easily... It's my third, it ain't up yet, and, of course, it'll be different from this one..). I fixed the lyrics problem, this is the new lyrics index.. hope it's ok... The lyrics mentioned at the bottom are posted too... a lot more lyrics coming up, due to the problems I didn't post much... I'll update more later, promise! (Gees, look where I've gotten, I'm promising things to a homepage)..

I added three more songs, 'Baby Can I Hold You', 'Fast Car' and 'Talkin' Bout A Revolution' by Tracy Chapman...

I added two more links on the links page, I still didn't get the lyrics problem solved, but who cares anyway, I'm talking to a web page, and a webpage alone, NO ONE IS READING THIS anyway, I can write whatever I like!!! That's about it...

5.03.1999 (1:00 AM may I add.. wait, that means it's the 6th of March, right? Nevermind...)
Okie dokie, I've updated the lyrics section. Now the lyrics to 'K's Choice''s album 'Cocoon Crash' are up, a great album may I say... And of course, 'Virtual Insanity' by Jamiroquai...
I've had a few problems with posting all the lyrics up, I guess I put too much on the lyrics page and it won't take anymore, so until I sort it out, you can visit 'Winners' by K's Choice and 'No Rain' by Blind Melon from here, thanx... =)

As for the problem, it'll soon be figured out, I just need to rearrange everything, but it'll take some time, I have heeps of other things to do...

