About This Group
How this group got it's start
Welcome to the website of
mygrandchild. This present group of ladies started posting here on July 23,l997. This newsgroup had originally been formed by a lady with the nick of Hoofarted.
On July 23, 1997 there were eight posts and on
the twenty fourth there were sixteen.
This group discusses a lot of things besides grandchildren. They have discussions about the weather in different parts of the country. They exchange recipes with one another. They keep up with current events and they talk about the past as well. They also cheerfully offer their "Grannie Prayers" to anyone in need of them. A lot of these ladies were the teeny boppers with the ponytails of the 50's. Believe me when I say these ladies are not your average Grannies. They are not tied to the stove baking breads and cookies and they dont spend their time sitting in rockingchairs knitting.
These are the cyber grannies of the nintys and
they are busy with their keyboards and their
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