Jennie7's Cyber Adoption Center and Supply Shop

 Thankyou for coming to my page!  If you see something you like just 
 fill out the form below! I breed dogs. cats, mice, rats, hamsters
 and I create my own animal such as the potatoe buddy and Geo snake.
 My virtual pets are special because they stay on the internet and you
 actually take care of them, feed, play,  etc... If you want one E-mail 
 me your name what you want to name your kitty or puppy.E-mail me if
 you want information on how to join the Bow-Wow club and if you want 
 to get my newsletter.  Down below in Good for means it is good for 
 either B=Breeding  S=show  F=fun.  And in the color row B=black 
 br=brown w=white t=tan lt=light dr=dark. 
                 THANK YOU FOR COMING!

Breeds and Accesories

 =====BREED=======================F=SEX=M========GOOD FOR=======COLOR=
 DALMATION PUPIES                 2     3          S/B           B/W
 BAJENJI                          4     3          S/B       TRI OR T/W
 SCRAPPIES                        8     10         S/B       ANY COLOR
 VIRTUAL KITTY                    10    10         S/F       YOU'LL SEE
 VIRTUAL PUPPY                    12    8          S/F       YOU'LL SEE
 MIX KITTIES                      3     7           B       VARIETY/MIX
 POTATOE BUDDIES                  2     5           F    LT/BR OR DR/BR
 GEO SNAKE                        0     7         S/B/F      RED/GREEN
Your E-Mail:
What do you want?
What Color:
What sex? Female Male
Do you want my FREE newsletter? YES NO Do you want info on the BOW-WOW club? YES NO Comments:

Sign my Guestbook to recieve your animal!

The Rest of My Links and Other Agencies

My Shelter for Poor Animals:

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