The Tubbytronic Superdome

The Dome

Dining table

The Superdome has two entrances - automatic sliding doors and a slide from the hole in the roof to the centre of the dome. There are four windows, facing north, south east and west. Inside the dome there are four beds, the Tubby Custard machine, the Tubby Toaster, a dining table and four chairs. In the centre of the dome is a console with lots of lights, levers and switches, and containing essentials such as the tubbie sponges. Tubby ToastTubby CustardThe Teletubbies appear to live on a diet of round pieces of tubby toast each with a smiling face, from the Tubby Toaster and a viscous fluorescent pink liquid called tubby custard from the Tubby Custard machine. Both these machines are kept in good order by Noo Noo, the Teletubbies' vacuum cleaner.