I decided to make a page for my 'family'.. *l* and what a bunch of weirdos they are.. BUT I luv 'em.. :) I guess you're probably wondering how this all came about.. hmmmm.. well there are A LOT of lame people out there in 'chatland...' We, as Skitzos, try to eliminate them.. although I'm not sure what sort of contribution I make since I'm not really very 'computer oriented.' *shrugs* Oh well.. anyway.. I sometimes use my 'skitzo' name, §\<ítzò~*~§tâ® ...usually when the rest of my 'family' yells at me to.. *l*
The rest of the Ç£åÑ
Skitzo Burn a.k.a. seaN Founder of the Skitzos..which I guess makes him the strangest of us all! hehe.. He's also one of my very good friends. *s* I'm his momMy.. *l* how that came about.. I have NO clue. :)
Skitzo Bug a.k.a. Mena One of my girlies.. *g* a great friend and a good listener! She's my daughter too.. :)
Skitzo Ingo a.k.a. Stacie My other daughter! *l* Sheesh..I've certainly been busy! She's a total sweetie.. oh yeah.. you're allowed to date before you're 18. *giggle* :)
Skitzo Ainjull a.k.a. Kim She's the Skitzo Queen.. *s* and such a sweet girl! We always have good talks! The best of luck with your honey! :)
Skitzo Venus a.k.a. Megan John's wife.. *g* We're such a close knit family.. I even adore my ex-husband's new wife.. hehehe.. She's such a sweetie! :)
Skitzo Morpheus a.k.a. John My EX husband *l* and Megan's new husband.. cool eh? He is one of the nicest guys I know.. DMB RULES! :)
Skitzo Chick a.k.a. Jenn seaN's girlfriend.. *s* I haven't gotten a chance to talk to her.. but I'm sure she's a very nice person! :)
Skitzo Spaz a.k.a. Jen I haven't seen her in so long! She's a great great great person.. and I miss her a lot!
Mystic Skitzo a.k.a. Clay I don't know him very well either.. just talked to him a couple of times BUT he seems very very sweet! :)
Skitzo Crazy a.k.a. Nic The crazy one of the group..hmmm..*L* That has to be pretty crazy being's that we're all skitzos..hehe. He's sweet most of the time.. just DON'T get on his bad side. *L* :)
Skitzo Korn Child a.k.a. David Ok..I'm sorry but I don't have a clue who he is. *frown* I need to get all my family together or something! I hope to meet you some day.. :)
Skitzo Force a.k.a. Shawn Shawnine shawnie.. my orange jello angel partner.. *L* He's a GREAT guy.. always sticking up for his friends.. which is a great quality! :)
Think you have what it takes to be a Skitzo? Contact seaN.. have to warn ya.. we're highly selective. *giggle* :)