Suzaku Seishi

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Hallo everyone and welcome to Jess-Chan's Tamahome Shrine!   This is my page dedicated to my favorite Suzaku Seishi and all around anime character (male) Tamahome!!!  What is there not to like about him, he's good looking, loyal, he can make you cry, romantic, sweet, charming, loves his family.  ::sigh:: The kinda guy your mother always wanted you to bring home (and probably the kind she always wanted ^-^)  Okay how bout some info on our sweet Tama-Chan here.   Tamahome was the first of the Suzaku Seishi to be seen in the series and the manga, he saved Miaka and Yui from a gang of weird girl traffickers.  Now ya see, Tamahome has this little obsession with money.  He loves it and will take any kinda chance to make it.  O-KA-NE!  ::huggles Tama:: But of course, as the series progresses you find out why he's so money hungry.  He saves it all for his family, so his sick father doesn't have to worry so much! ::sniffle:: Of course we all know what happens with him and Miaka.  ::blinks as someone starts playing 70's porno music:: ACK HENTAI!! ::breaks the radio:: Freek weirdo, well anyway..Miaka and Tamahome fall in love.  So in love in fact they do some of the stupidest things to be with each other.  It's really sad when Tamahome's Evil and he breaks Miaka's arm...I've never cried so much.. 'Nother sad part in the series is when Tamahome's family is Suboshi ::slings Suboshi in front of a bus:: JERK!

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Okay more about our Prince Charming here, in the end of the series (well at least the TV) Tamahome goes back into Miaka's world to be with her, but in the OAV series #1 he has to go back to Konan to keep anyone from the book traveling into Miaka's world and causing trouble.  Well..yeah it's sad..very sad in fact.  But being the man that he is, he gets reincarnated into Miaka's world as Taka.   This is where the story get confusing.  So we're gonna stop right there.   Oooo my favorite Tamahome scene?  When he proposes to Miaka! It's sooo cute, and it freeked me out so bad when Miaka started telling him that she really didn't love him BS.  But we all know why she did it!  So ya know, they finally become a story book couple, living happily in love.  They have little rings, which are so cute and adorable.

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Jess's Dialog Time!

Jess-Chan: ::tackles Tamahome and grins::

Tamahome: *OOF* Uhh hi...Jess

Jess-Chan: Wanna get married?

Tamahome: Uhh no..I have someone

Jess-Chan: ::puts on a school uniform and develops a loud squeaky, yet utterly cute voice:: HI HI!

Tamahome:  This is scaring me

Jess-Chan: But Tama-chan your so cute and dashing and ..

Tamahome: DON'T call me that!

Jess-Chan: But but...::pouts::

Tamahome: ::sighs:: Oh all right...

Jess-Chan: ::clings to Tamahome as he walks off::

Tamahome: Geez your like...super glue!

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Tamahome: Don't ya think your getting a little carried away with all the pictures?

Jess-Chan: really

Tamahome: Hrm..

Jess-Chan: Don't you like your shrine? Or you gonna be as ungrateful as Amiboshi? ::waps Ami-chan::

Tamahome: HEY Can I make some money off of it?!

Jess-Chan: dear.

Tamahome: But I could sell...strands of my hair that fall out!

Jess-Chan: ::walks off:: Oi the pretty boy is weird.

Tamahome luvs his Miaka-san ^-^

Well everyone, it's time to stop with this page right now. I'll be changing the pics on this one often since I have so many manga pics of Tamahome.  I hope you enjoyed the Shrine, send me some feedback on it, email me!



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