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E-Mail and Prayer Requsts!!
During the time I am thinking of cool ideas for my web page, you can E-Mail me with any questions....or if you want send me a prayer request.....that will be absolutely NO problem!!!! Just E-mail me at the address below and I'll contact you as soon as possible!! I promise!! I am a true christian friend,and I will never let a fellow brother or sister down..."Galatians 6:1-3" I do what the Lord has commanded me to do and I love ALL my brothers and sisters so dont hesitate to talk to me!!! I am very understanding and full of love!!
So dont let my crazyness fool you!!! I just happen to be very happy in the Lord! And you should too!
And remember.....dont EVER let satan lie to you!!! Fight him with the precious name of Jesus! He has NO right to dwell in the presence of the Lord's saints and he shall not touch you for we are of God and what is God's is God's and NOBODY elses! Dont ever let satan make you think that God doesnt love you or care about you or any thing that will contradict the Word of God!! satan is a coward and will almost ALWAYS flee without a fight....but when he does.....RISE UP with the SWORD of God...and PUT YOUR ARMOR ON!!!!! "Ephesians 6:10-18!!!" NEVER let satan touch you physicaly,spiritualy,or mentally in Jesus Name!!!!! AMEN!!!!
Thanks for visiting my site and E-Mail me if any questions or prayer requests!!! God Bless You ALL!!!
Oh!! And one more thing.....the red CDNOW link on the bottom left-hand corner is a link to the store that features my favorite Christian Metal band......DELIVERANCE!!! THEY ROCK!!!!!! So if you wanna buy one of thier CD's make sure to click on that link and buy it from CDNOW. They also have loads of Christian Metal and gospel!!
OH! And another thing!...I have changed my E-Mail from G Virus777 to!!! So If you E-mail me and I dont answer...its cause you've got my old E-Mail address!! Be sure to remember it and write it down!!
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