Welcome to the NEW Official IWC Webpage!!!

What, exactly, does IWC stand for? I know it's on your mind. I just know it. so I'll tell you. It stands for International Warriors for Christ. (Thanks, Patricio, for the name!!!) What are we about? We're a small, teeny tiny group of dedicated Teen Christians who are intent on changing the lives of those who haven't accepted the awesome power of Christ into their hearts yet. We're also intent on growing bigger so if this sounds like something you'd really get into just give us a yell! Anyway. we're brand spankin' new and full of energy and enthusiasm for our journey through life. Please, please, PLEASE bookmark this page... We need the publicity! This page was just created on Friday, May 29, so it's pretty sparse, but soon we'll have mailing lists, guestbooks, members pages, chat rooms, advice columns, message boards, and the whole shmear. We take and give out prayer requests so if there's a certain someone special in your life that you would like prayed for, once again... Give us a yell! 'Till then God Bless, live long, be well, have fun, and drink Pepsi! ;)

This thing says that so far people have successfully wasted their time here when they could have been enjoying God's beauty... Are you actually reading this? hey, stop paying attention to this and start reading the good stuff!

What is Spirituality anyway?

That's a very contraversial issue. But the answers that seem to work for everyone are:


*The certainty that God has a plan.

*A triumph of the needs of people over the dictates of worldly law.

*At the forefront when I feel grateful, confused, or in need of help.

*Knowing in my bones that there is a God.

"Only believe and all things are possible, only believe."


*Gathering with like-minded people in spiritual discovery and 
community where there is ample oppertunity for discussion

*Reading, talking, envisioning about Christ and spiritual matters from
a wide variety of resources and traditions, both secular and spiritual.

*Enjoying the discovery of God in the beauty of art, literature, music,
or in small acts of kindness.

*Leading or assembling people in spiritual endeavors that can help them grow.


*Allowing ample quiet time for reflection in peaceful, beautiful settings
that stimulate the senses, knowing that solitary times and retreats allow God to
touch me in new ways.

*Engaging in Spiritual discussions with "doubters" or those who hold opposite beliefs.
In hearing and responding to their questions, we can learn more about 
who we are and what we believe.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt
 Today's Bible Lesson, brought to you by Andrew Herx, Rector and founder of IWC 

International Warriors for Christ

Prayer requests,
membership requests, Questions, whatever,
E-mail us here!

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