
The country of Peru. A beautiful combination of three distinct climates. The jungle surrounding the Amazon river, the long coastline, and the interior mountains combine with the nation's history and present-day charm to produce a counrty that just about anyone would want to visit.

This is a page about my time in Peru during June and July of 1999. I was there for about four weeks with Teen Mania Ministries, an organization that takes young people on summer missions trips all over the world each summer and Christmas. With me were over 100 other young people whose hearts were on fire to see the Peruvians changed forever.

Here is a picture of my team: (everyone but the team leaders, Natalie and Chris, and one of the missionaries, Dwight. sorry, guys!) Click on it to see the full-sized image (980x869 in pixels).

We had great team dynamics that summer. Thanks to everyone who was praying for us. This picture was taken after the men of the team had taken the ladies out to dinner. They even bought us each a rose (strictly as brothers, of course).

And, of course, I must include a picture of my MAG - missionary advisor group. We never got one with all of us in it, just as we never got a complete team picture. But I did get one of my girls hanging out in our room one evening.

Nikki, Jessica, and Rebekah

The best MAG an MA could have, these girls made my job easy. Jessica even forgave me for throwing up on her! I hope that Nikki will be an MA herself some time soon, unless the Lord has plans for her outside of Teen Mania. Our group had two different MAG calls during the summer. First we were the Veggies - Bob, Larry, Junior, you know the drill. Later we changed is to a call and response. I would call out the question "What are we gonna do?" The replying sound off was "Tell!" "The!" "World!" and all together "About Jesus!" I think the PDs might have thought I was out of it a couple of times on the village trip when we were doing MAG checks before leaving the boat for the evening's crusade. "Why is an MA asking what we're doing tonight? She should know by now!" 'Course, with three teams there, they probably didn't even hear me amidst the tumult. <g>

To be continued...
And if you have any pictures that you'd like to add, send 'em!