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Star Trek

Welcome to my little corner of the Star Trek universe!

The page is still a bit basic, but here's what I've got!

My Favorite Star Trek Episodes
and movies, and fanfic...

Photo Gallery
currently 32 images, from 4 series

Fan Fiction

The Surprise
A little TNG story
Tom Paris' latest holodeck deversion (OK to read, but I'll be adding more later)
A Voyager story-in-the-works. (No ending yet)


Trek Poem -- Very funny, I guess it takes one to know one!
Star Trek at (formerly the mining company) -- A large but not bulky site with tons of cool stuff -- links, articles, pictures, bulletin boards, more links...
Jim's Voyager Reviews -- More great Voyager reviews and some cool fanfic.
Star Trek Nexus -- The ultimate guide to all things Trek on the net.
Star Trek: Hypertext -- When you're not in the mood to read one of Julia or Jim's lo-o-ong reviews, or want to know what's up with another series, try this site!
Extensive Links List
