Take the Maniac Survey!  All questions are optional, of course... especially your name and e-mail.  If you do not want me to post them with your comments, let me know in the comments box or leave them blank.

See the results here (updated: 11/05/99)
Any time you need to select more than one item from a list, hold down control or apple key while you click on them

About you

1. How old are you?

2. Are you male or female?

3. Where do you live?

You and Teen Mania

4. How did you first hear about Teen Mania?

5. How old were you when you went on your first trip?

6. Where have you been with Teen Mania?


7. Which year(s) have you been?  A Christmas trip would be the December year (eg, 12/98-1/99 = 1998)

8. For a total of trip(s).

9.Where would you like to go that Teen Mania doesn't currently offer?

10. Have you ever been to an Acquire the Fire?

11. Have you ever been to a Teen Mania summer camp?

12. Have you participated in Leadership 20/20 or the Honor Academy?

13. If not, do you plan to?
YesNoI don't know

14. What drama(s) have you done with Teen Mania?

15. Planning on going anywhere next summer or Christmas?
I think so, not sure whereYes, to: No

Before you go... (the optional stuff)

16. Name:

17. E-mail address:

18. Home page URL:

19. Comments: war stories, fundraising tips, questions to add, rave reviews, general comments?

just hit send once, please!

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