A quick rundown of my assignments

Sure I get to move around and travel a lot. It's one of the great benefits of military service.
Here's a list of my assignments over the past 12 years:

The list:

Lackland AFBTexasATC06Aug86 - 21Sep863701BMTSATC
Keesler AFBMississippiATC22Sep86 - 23Nov863303STSATC
Whiteman AFBMissouriSAC12Dec86 - 01Mar892154CSAFCC
RAF ChicksandsUnited KingdomUSAFE02Mar89 - 01Jun912112CS
PentagonWashington DCHQ USAF/DoD29Jun91 - 26Apr967CG
Woomera ASAustraliaAFSPACOM27Apr96 - 28Oct985SWS
2 consecutive tours
NAS KeflavikIcelandNATO/IDF06 Nov 98 - Nov 9985MSSACC
Next Stop:
Fort Ritchie/Site RMD/PADISANov 99 - ???JC6JSSC
And still going strong!

ACC:Air Combat Command
AFB:Air Force Base
AFCC:Air Force Communications Command
AFPCA:Air Force Pentagon Communications Agency
AFSPACOM:Air Force Space Command
AS:Air Station
ATC:Air Training Command
BMTS:Basic Military Training Squadron
CS:Communications Squadron
CG:Communications Group
DISA:Defense Information Systems Agency
DoD:Department of Defense
ESC:Electronic Security Command
ESG:Electronic Security Group
FOA:Field Operating Agency
IDF:Iclandic Defence Force
JC:Joint Command
JSSC:Joint Staff Support Center
Majcom:Major Command
MSS:Mission Support Squadron
NAS:Naval Air Station
NATO:North Atlantic Treaty Organization
SAC:Stratgic Air Command
STS:Student Training Squadron
SWS:Space Warning Squadron
USAF:United States Air Force
USAFE:United States Air Force Europe

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