I have one passion...(other than my husband).....CHOCOLATE!
Hello Y'all.......
Yes, I am Southern....*L* My name is Joy and I am from East Tennessee in a town called Knoxville. GO VOLS!!! I am 33 years old and very happily married. I met a man that only exisited in my dreams and prayers. God's Grace and the power of Prayer are truly awesome things. Love is definatly better the second time!!! Finally, I realize what marriage is suppose to be and I love my husband something fierce!!! He is tall, dark, and very handsome, 40 years of age, and I have a beautiful 17 year old stepdaughter that I love as if I had given birth to her. My little girl is 7 years old. She loves Barbie and Veggie Tales. She is the spittin image of me when I was her age except for the red hair. She got the natural curl, tho. I work at Sears. I hope to be a stay at home Mom in the near future. I feel that is important for my girls. My hobbies are reading and movies and in nice weather I love to hike in the Great Smoky Mountains only minutes away and just enjoy being outside. Thanks for stopping by and letting me bore you for a minute. God Bless!......*Smile*
My "Management Staff" picture hanging on Sears wall:
Olivia and I in Disney World 2000 (blurry but you get the idea):
My baby in her "angel fairy" outfit:
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