Welcome to ILPA!

Welcome to the ILPA--I Like Pie Association--! You can become a member of the ILPA using the information below.

Benefits of being a member: There are none, but it's fun!!!

So please sign up now! There's no charge, it cost nothing, and it's also free!!!

Become a free member

To become a member, e-mail me(address below). In your e-mail, list your name, that you would like to become a member, and list your favorite kind of pie. You could even win the pie of the month award!


Name: E-mail:

Pie of the month!

Yes, now I have a pie of the month award, but you can only get it if you're an ILPA member!(so go sign up!) To nominate yourself, tell me that you would like to win when you sign up. By winning, your name will be posted here, telling everyone on the web, that you're a winner! The only requirement is being a member, other than that, a member will be randomly selected each month, so sign up now!

This is the award! Ain't she a beaut?