Hello From Oregon!

Hi my name is Julie. I'm a 37 year old single lady living in Portland Oregon. I spend a fair amount of time online, where I am known as Joscelin. Welcome to my personal web page! Here you'll find out more than you probably wanted to know about me, and I hope you'll enjoy your visit.

I had weight loss surgery on June 3, 2002. This was the culmination of more than a year of research, hoop jumping and insurance warfare. My awesome surgeon is Dr. Emma Patterson. At this point I am very pleased with my weightloss (150 pounds) and I am confident in my future success. I want to say a special thank you to all of my friends and family who have given me such tremendous support. A new chapter in my life has begun.. who knows where it might lead!

It's A Cheese Thing!

We all have strange obsessions in our lives, sometime ask me about the role cheese plays in my everyday existence, but for now just enjoy the dancing mouse and follow the bouncing cheese. *G*

Official PayPal Seal

I have a small dog, a dachshund, she's hyper!

Even if you're not a pet person I'll bet you'd like my little dog. Shelby Wu is a toy dachsund, black and tan, one of the sweetest creatures on the earth. If I could just get her to stop taking off like a rocket whenever she sees a cat, life would be just about perfect!

Come See Where I Waste My Free Time...

ICQ, My ONLY Choice For Instant Messaging!
A blog is a blog is a blog.. unless it's a LIVEJOURNAL!
Webshots- Cheesygirl's Community Page
Visit my webshots community page, the link to all of my webshots albums.
Obesity Help
If you've 100+ Pounds To Lose, This May Be of Interest To You.

Just For Fun- About Jules

Favorite Broadway Shows: Les Miserables-Titanic (yes, there's a musical version) Aspects Of Love- RENT- Phantom Of The Opera- Chicago- Evita- Miss Saigon

Biggest Hope For The Homepage: That people will learn more about me, have fun surfing my links and most of all.... GO TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE AND SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!

"I have a dream, a fantasy. To help me cope, with anything. If you see the wonder, of a fairytale- you can face the future, even if you fail. I believe in angels. Something good in everything I see. I believe in angels. When I know the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream.. I have a dream!" ABBA

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