Answer the 7 questions below using a 1-5 scale, with 1 meaning "Do not agree"; 3 Somewhat agree; and 5 "Strongly Agree".

1. During an interview, are you able to identify three important accomplishments from your most recent/current job?

2. Are you able to list at least 8 skills that you possess?

3. At this moment, can you easily describe the value that you bring to an employer?

4. Do you have a network of people, that you could call for assistance, both in and outside of your current career?

5. Do you research current developments in your industry and can forecast future trends?

6. Are you knowledgeable about the abilities and skills that you need to be marketable the job market?

7. Do you have clear career plan with set goals and know the direction your career is headed?


SCORING - Tally your score for all seven questions.

If you scored between 30-35, you are clearly in charge of your career development.

A score between 20-30, means that you need to focus a little on your career goals. Review the list of responses, and for those that you cannot agree with, brainstorm actions that you can take to move yourself forward in these areas.

If you scored below 20, you should consider seeking a career coach. A career coach can help you pinpoint weaknesses and chart a plan to manage your career development and employability.


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