young authors and their fans have visited KOWS Online

Other KOWS sites

KOWS: Latest Edition: See the latest edition of our magazine.
KOWS Archives: Back issues of the 'zine.
KOWS Contests: Read up on our current contest, and help us congratulate the winners.
KOWS Current Events: See the calendar of upcoming KOWS events and read my editor's column.
KOWS Sponsors: These organizations have generously donated prizes for our contests! Check out this information on them.

Submission Guidelines

-Have an adult spell and grammar check your work (or use a computer checker)

-Work should be appropriate for children.

-Do not type in all caps or change the font, size, or style of your typing.

-Be sure to include your name (or pen name), e-mail address, title of the work, and the approximate date you wrote it (when possible).

KOWS Guestbook: Sign our guestbook!

Welcome to the Kids Only Writing Showcase

I am a teenager who publishes a free online magazine to showcase the work of promising young authors. This is NOT a club, just a magazine in which to publish your work, which means that you have no time commitment or responsibilities like other clubs. The 'zine publishes poetry, short stories, long stories, books, plays, screenplays, essays, works in progress, songs, and other types of work on any subject. Our monthly magazines also features published authors, outstanding contributers to our magazine, writing/publishing help, and information on places that are interested in publishing the writing of people like you! We also have some special issues throughout the year. Special issues/contests coming up are the Halloween Spook Spectacular (October), and Holiday Greetings (August). See our "KOWS Contests" link for more information on our current contest, and be sure to look at some of our previous issues, included in our "KOWS Archives" link.

When submitting work, please remember: no graphic violence, bad language, or inappropriate content (pieces might be edited a little if they're too extreme, but you always have the final word in editing decisions). We also encourage our readers to e-mail the authors who are published and comment on their work. We believe that it really helps in improving writing skills. If you would like your work published, please send it to Be sure to include your name (e-mail adress is fine) age, and approximate date that you wrote it (if possible). DO NOT type in all caps. The author (you!) retains all rights to his or her work. If you do not want to submit your own work, but are interested in reading the work of others, e-mail me and ask to receive the magazine.

Margo Gray, Editor In Chief, KOWS

United States