Relationship Chart

From the book: "The Linkous Family History Expanded" by Clovis Linkous

This chart is helpful in determining your relationship to another member of the family. It goes all the way to 9th cousins and if that is not far enough, how to extend the chart is obvious.

It is used as follows:

(1st) Determine the nearest common ancestor between person A and person B whose relationship is desired. That common ancestor is at the TOP of the grid.

(2nd) For person A, proceed down the LEFT hand side diagonal however many generations person A is down from the common ancestor.

(3rd) For person B, proceed down the RIGHT hand side diagonal however many generations person B is down from the common ancestor.

(4th) The intersection of the TWO sloping columns determined in steps 2 and 3 will give the relationship of persons A and B.

The Linkes/Linkous Family History Homepage.