Welcome To My Home On The Web

Welcome to my little home on the Web. Here is a little about me. My name is Kalli. Yes, that's my real name. I use the excuse that my mom was still feeling the effects of the drugs when she named me. I am married to a wonderful man named James and we have 3 beautiful daughters, Meghan who is  6, Caitlin who is 4, and Rebecca who is 2. To see pictures of us, click here. James is a computer programmer while I am taking time off from school to be a stay at home mom.

We live in the heartland of the US, in the suburbs of Des Moines, Iowa, where the corn outnumbers the people and people still go on hayrack rides. We recently moved here from a small town about 35 miles NW of Des Moines called Perry. To find out more about Perry, Iowa, click here.Okay, so there isn't much there yet, but someday I'll get to it!

I was a student at a local community college hoping someday to transfer to Iowa State University and major in psychology.  Right now though, I am taking time off to be a stay at home mom. When my kids are all in school, I'm thinking of going back and finishing. I would someday like to get my masters degree, and then do something along the lines of counseling, or something similar.

I am the oldest of 5 children (i'm 24) and i have 3 brothers and 1 sister. They are Christopher 23, who is a student at Mankato State and his new wife, Stacy,  Kalen 19 and my nephews Malac, who is 19  months, and Trent who is 3 months and my brother, John 8 and my sister Shay is 9. I come from a large family. At last count I had about 30 first cousins.

I am also a born again christian. I accepted Jesus Christ into my life when I was 8 years old. I  was baptized at 12. I recently started attending Indianola Community Church. It is a great group of believers who love the Lord and wish to serve him. We praise God for use of the new building!!  I truly believe that God is in complete control of everything in our lives and I give him all the honor and glory for everything he has done for me. Someday soon I will try to get a testimony page up.

My hobbies include playing on the computer (obviously), playing and composing music, and being with my family.  I like to chat in WBS's Christian Chat. I've met great people there, and you know how you all are! You can find it by going to my links page by clicking here. I've got everything from free email and homepages links to school links.  Check it out, I'll be adding new ones all the time.

Looking for good Christian music on the Web? Here are 2 sites that have great music! Especially if you are in Iowa like me, and have no good christian radio stations!


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These providers provide internet service for under 10 dollars a month.

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