What's the big idea?

There are 9 Veggie Tales Movies.

  1. Where's God When I'm S-Scared? 12/93
  2. God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!? 8/94
  3. Are You My Neighbor? 3/95
  4. Rack, Shack, & Benny. 11/95
  5. Dave and the Giant Pickle. 4/96
  6. The Toy That Saved Christmas. 10/96
  7. Larry-Boy and The Fib From Outer Space. 4/97
    **Larry-Boy is Tanner's Favorite
  8. Josh and The Big Wall! 11/97
  9. Madame Blueberry. 7/98
  • Also Veggie Tales Sing Along Songs, I & II **Erin's Favorite
  • COMING SOON!!! Larry Boy and The Rumor Weed. 7/99

Veggie Tales movies are available at Christian Book stores.
Also you may find them at Wal-Mart & K-Mart.

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