- the cranberries
- self explanatory- it's a cranberries webpage
- Jewel
- same deal- it's a Jewel page
- Virtual Flowers
- Feel free to send me some...
- Mathew M. (the "A Time to Kill" star)
- nice photos... :)
- UVA Home Page
- Home o' the Wahoos
- American Lit. Stuff
- My ENAM class home page. It has info, photo galleries, and even a couple of games.
- Personality Tests
- Dying to find out if you really are the freak people think you are? Take one of the personality tests on this page made by a UVA alum.
- Missy's Online Journal
- Inspirational...
- Ben Central
- Home of my friend Ben from UVA.
- My Journal
- This page actually does have a few entries now (although I accidentally erased one - oops).
- Mags' Page O' Fun
- Another UVA friend, Megan, and the home page that loves her.
- Quotable Quotes of the Day
- Updated every day (hopefully) by moi.
- The Samples
- Home page of- you guessed it- The Samples.
- Red Sox Links
- A page full of links to Boston Red Sox sites.