Kat's Krib

One heckUVA homepage...

What's    Here...

For those of you who don't already know (fortunately my little web page has had some visitors that came on their own and not because I forced them to), my name is Katherine Anderson. I'm a student at Mr. Jefferson's University, the University of Virginia, studying English and Spanish. For now. We'll see how that actually turns out. Eventually I want to go to law school, although I'm a little iffy on exactly what I'm going to do with that. I'd be happy doing lots of different things, which makes those kinds of decisions that much more difficult. Well, my home page has not yet been completed, although I hope to remedy that sometime in the sort-of-near future. Until then, I hope you find some links that interest you, and when my journal and Random Stuff pages are up and working I hope your dazzled by my amazing wit and charm. Or at least not bored to tears. I'll set my goal a bit lower for now :o] So enjoy yourself. And sign my guestbook or else. I'd appreciate any comments, suggestions, or just "hi" messages if your not the overly verbal type.

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Loads O' Links

the cranberries
self explanatory- it's a cranberries webpage
same deal- it's a Jewel page
Virtual Flowers
Feel free to send me some...
Mathew M. (the "A Time to Kill" star)
nice photos... :)
UVA Home Page
Home o' the Wahoos
American Lit. Stuff
My ENAM class home page. It has info, photo galleries, and even a couple of games.
Personality Tests
Dying to find out if you really are the freak people think you are? Take one of the personality tests on this page made by a UVA alum.
Missy's Online Journal
Ben Central
Home of my friend Ben from UVA.
My Journal
This page actually does have a few entries now (although I accidentally erased one - oops).
Mags' Page O' Fun
Another UVA friend, Megan, and the home page that loves her.
Quotable Quotes of the Day
Updated every day (hopefully) by moi.
The Samples
Home page of- you guessed it- The Samples.
Red Sox Links
A page full of links to Boston Red Sox sites.

Home Sweet Home! Beautiful Beantown...this is a picture of Boston's Quincy Market.

Now that you're here, please sign my guestbook. Or just look at it.