<bg sound src="tears.mid" loop=infinite>

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Kaylee's    Tiny    Foot    steps

June Angel

I wish you were her in my arms. For I would never let you go.
My Little China Doll it's been three years since you joined Grandma in Heaven.
I wish that I was there that day to protect you from harm
I will never forget that day. For it plays back in head each day.
The June flower is the ROSE which seemed so right for you.
For all the people that loved you gave you one single long stem rose to place upon your casket.
With their tears of sadness fell upon the roses while saying their goodbye's.
In my heart and soul it will never be Goodbye my little one.
For Mommy will hold once more in Heaven.

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Kaylee's    Story

June 14, 1996 Kaylee Ann was born.

When I was 6 half months pregnant Kaylee stopped kicking.
I went for ultra sound as precaution
since I was on blood thinners.
During the ultra sound they found out that there was no fluid around her at all.
I had to go to the hospital for emergency C-section.
This day I will never forget because I was faced
with the most difficult decision of my life.
To have Kaylee naturally or have emergency C-Section
and try to save her life.
It was hard because the risk of the c-section could of
taken my life since I was on blood thinners.
At 10:10p.m. Kaylee Ann was born into the world
at 1 pound and 11 inches long.
The doctors never wanted to save her because she was so small
and she only had a 40% chance of living.
But...My husband told the doctor did not want to try to keep her alive
so I can see her when I wake up.

When she past the first 48 hours
the doctors were amazed on how well she was doing.
She had her ups and downs, with weighting only 14 oz,
a nurse burning her foot, having many infections.
Kaylee had strength to keep on going,
it must of been because she had a Angel watching over her, my Mom.
There was one day when I went to visit her in the NICU
and she was lying on her tummy falling off her little water bed.
And she had one of her little heart patches stuck to her bottom.
She was so cute and strong to get herself to the otherside of the waterbed.
And when she got mad watch out,
she had enough strength to roll herself over.
Thats pretty good since a normal baby a two months
is just starting to roll over.
That's my Girl.....

Then Aug. 11 1996 (58 days) when one of her nurses was changing Kaylee's position,
she broke the central line in Kaylee's neck.
The doctor repaired line but
when he placed it back in her neck it was in the wrong position.
It was to close to the heart and it poke a hole.
The IV fluid surrounded her heart which resulted in many bradcardyia.
Around 4:30 p.m. that day her heart was slowing down,
this was one fight that Kaylee could not beat.
The doctors worked on her for 20 min
but they could not save my little angel.
It has been 3 years since I lost Kaylee Ann
and there is not a day that goes by
that I do not think of my sweet China Doll....

In the death of my baby girl the doctors and nurses
were at fault in many many ways.
Three years have gone by and the haunting of her death will always be with me.
I wish in away I took action against them but of course it would not bring back my little girl.
For all those parents that are taking action,
I am proud of you for fighting for your loved ones.
I just wished I had the courage before it was to late.

*Please do not take the background or Snowglobe*
They were made for Kaylee with Love from her Mommy

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