Pillar Protection Spell
Pillar Protection Spell

This is one of two spells I have written myself :-)of course substitute what ever God or Goddess you wish to use here.

Supplies needed: 1 pillar candle, Banishment oil Fire oil, Atham, Black ink or paint

Set the candle in the center of the altar on the pentacle, have supplies at hand

Cast circle

Sit quietly before your altar and meditate and focus on what you are about to do, drawing in positive energies, when you are focused. Ask for the goddess for her guidance.

"Great Mother Bast, guide my hands and my magic with your loving touch so that I may do good in your name."

Now focus on the clean, unused candle, empty and void of a purpose waiting to be filled. Now pick up your atham heat it in your goddess candle and in grave it with the runes that you deem appropriate (you may want to trace them with the black paint or ink)

Once done this sit it back down and focus your energy into it visualize it glowing softly and say:

"With these runes I bind you to this purpose, to keep all impurities and harm away."

Take the banishment oil and anoint the top rim say:

"With this oil I empower this candle to banish all harm and ill intent both directed and in directed."

Repeat as you anoint the bottom rim of the candle

Take the fire oil and anoint the top rim

"Oil of fire I use you to strengthen the Banishment and only to grow stronger and stronger yet as the candle burns."

Repeat as you anoint the bottom rim. Again sit the candle down on the pentacle and focus your energies into it and watch it glow. Light the wick

"Candle light burn bright keep me safe through the night.
Candle light burning gay, keep me safe through the day."

Hold your hands over the burning candle

"With this candle light may only the positive and love find it way, may the light illuminate the path of hope. With my will strengthened by the Mothers love repeal all that is evil and hurtful with this tiny flame that will burn like an inferno in the eyes of those who would harm."

Now thank Bast for her guidance:

"Mother Bast I thank you for your help and power. May my spells always be a strong and true as my love for you. So mote it be!"

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