Hi!...I'm KC..that's me in the photo below! Just click the thumbnails to get my BIG pictures. I was born in Perth Western Australia and I am now 5 years old...(that's about 35 in your human terms..strange species). I am a pure bred Jack Russell and I'm afraid of nothing and no-one.
I have a big kennel in the back garden but I never use it....I prefer inside the house and I always get my way.
Ohhhhhh click here to hear me and my friends singing Jingle Bells!
My favourite hobbies are:
-Running around the garden with a tennis ball stuck in my mouth
-Pushing a tennis ball into the swimming pool with my nose and then barking at it until some humanoid gets it out for me...then I push it back in again..and again...and again..and again...(these humans are real suckers for a cute face)
-Jumping on top of the cat when she's not looking
-Eating the cat's food when she is looking...(really gets to her..hahahahaha)
-Eating food from my own dish when there's none left in the cat's
-I have thirty toys and I know them all by name so when these humans ask me to get my doggy news or my dumbell I go get it for them and then I usually get a chocky. Recenly I've found that if I fetch each toy one by one before I'm asked I can get a chocky whenever I want...mugs...hehehehehehehe
Ohhhhhh My first Award!..well...besides my degree in Nuclear Physics.
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This is me when I did my screentest for "Baywatch". Note the red collar. I missed out though. Muttly got the job.(there's no accounting for taste)
Wonder why I always get stuck with the gardening?...
Anyone in there wanna come out and play??????
Me displaying my table manners.
Settling down to watch "101 Dalmations" and "The Mask" after my Saturday night bath
Well at least they tell me he is. This was KC1....(don't know if that was his real name though). He apparently lives in Nambucca Heads now in New South Wales in a beach house. Must look him up one of these days......
This is Moggy. I live with her and she thinks she's a cat. Well I know better ;-)
This is Scuzzy and Boris. Scuzzy is the good looking one on the right. Boris the duck thinks he's a Jack Russell too....yeah...he should be so lucky...
This is my friend Max. The one on the left is Michael The Human. I'm sure you can guess who is the better looking one. These humans don't stand a chance!
The Dog Hause Spay and Neuter Page
my Dreambook! Mark my Dreambook! |
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