Heya peoples! This is the *FIRST* story I've ever created, and I'm sharing with you! Uh.. the story continues from my profile, so if ya haven't read it yet.. I suggest you go do it now! Uh.. well.. that's it so far.. Enjoy! Oh yeah.. Starring: Silver Star, Knuckles T. Echidna, and the The Choatix. **Knuckles T. Echidna and The Chaotix are copyright of Sega America** **Silver Star is copyright of me!** Silver Star: Her Story (Part I) It had begun. Many, many years ago, on the planet Mobius, where, unlike planet Earth, the animals ruled. All animals had the ability to walk, talk and act quite similarly to human beings. In the outskirts of the city, Echidnapolis, where all the Two-Toed Echidnas formerly resided, there lived a tribe, a separate species of echidna that not a single being understood. They lived the way of the land, taking only what they needed, and restoring what they took. Magic was their strength, and, some may say, their lack of technology was their weakness. The Two-Toes, unlike the Three-Toes, were the most advanced species on the planet. They depended solely on technology. Many say, that's why they never understood one another. The Three-Toed Echidnas were about the same height as the average Two-Toed Echidnas, which was approximately three feet. They had fur colours ranging from a tannish cream to a beautiful snow white; and long braids that were usually knotted with a piece of Walla-Balla bark (the Walla-Balla's bark is very stretchy and thin, but as tough as leather), but the elders of this tribe much preferred to use rainbow coloured beads instead. Their clothes were made of Beru hides (Beru is an animal quite similar to a deer on Earth), and they only spoke the native Echidna language. As the years progressed, however they learned the English language and came to dress more fashionably. Echidnapolis's population was growing at a rapid pace! The Three-Toed tribe could no longer stay: they feared of being hunted down and killed by the Two-Toes. So, as the ancient books say, they reluctantly left the land, leaving behind everything they couldn't carry. By the time the tribe had reached The Great Mobian Lake and started sailing out to sea, to discover new land. The ground where they had previously lived started to tremble, shake, crumble, and the expanding Echidnapolis started to rise and float in the air; hence, the name, "The Floating Island." The younger generation sat and watched in amazement as the elders shook their heads in shame. They had seen the future and knew only too well what was going to happen. The Two-Toes had predicted a comet was going to crash into the center of the beloved Echidnapolis. Their scientists came up with the conclusion that they would be able to use the power of twelve Chaos Emeralds to help the island float and rise above the danger. (The Chaos Emerald is a bright, glowing green emerald that contains unlimited power, a pure source of energy.) The plan was a success, but now the island was forever suspended, detached from all of the planet Mobius. Days later, the Three-Toes stumbled upon an untouched island, which they later named FLiCK KiEE, which, in the ancient Echidna language meant "Land of Mysteries"; which later came to be called FLiCKiE Island. The race got along well with the "FLiCKiE" Birds; who were extremely friendly birds, who frequently cried "FLiCKY!" Sadly enough, most of the Three-Toed race eventually died off because of the strange, unknown food, that killed many and made others deathly ill. Only two survived, which eventually lead to the birth of the last Three-Toed Echidna, Silver Star. Her mother died at birth, and her father when she was only two. She learned (many would say, way too early) survival skills, with help from her only friends, the FLiCKiE birds. Through the magic that was handed down from her ancestors, she learned how to talk, walk and everything else a normal sixteen-year-old would know, but she had never fallen in love. She was doing her regular hourly rounds of checking the island. Everything seemed to be as normal as it could be. She chuckled to herself: just the thought of FLiCKiE Island being normal made her laugh. Things were rarely normal on FLiCKiE Island: new plants and animals were popping up and surprising her each day. Scuffling. She paused. "What was that?" she thought to herself. "I must be imagining things." She shook the thought from her mind. The scuffling sound continued. "Now I know I heard that!" she thought nervously. "I better go check it out," she whispered to no one in particular. She crept up slowly towards the island's protective thorny brush and peered out onto the golden sand-covered beach. It was a beautiful morning; the sun shone like a sapphire as it danced upon the clear blue water. She froze. What she saw was something she had never seen before: a blue blur of a hedgehog and a young red male echidna of the Two-Toed race, battling it out. Her heart skipped a beat. "What were they doing here? What did they want?" She shivered nervously. Then all of a sudden a young, ten-year-old kitsune appeared (a kitsune is a fox with more than one tail), hovering over the two angry teenagers (the young fox was using his two tails like a helicopter to fly). "Sonic!" the little two-tailed fox yelped towards the blue blur. "Forget about this silly squabble! There's chili dogs back at KnotHole Village!" (KnotHole Village is a secret hideout for most of the Freedom Fighters. The Freedom Fighters are exactly what they sound like: they are people who fight for their freedom from the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and well, that's another story!) "Huh?," Sonic inquired. Thud! The echidna had taken this opportunity to take him down. "Thanks, Tails," Sonic snapped sarcastically at the young fox. "I got to go now, but next time, you're dead, Knuckles!," Sonic took one last swing at the echidna. Miss! He took off in a flash running at sonic speed, over the water, with the young two-tailed fox flying close behind. Knuckles laughed, and took off like a bird into the sky. He quickly vanished. Silver sat and pondered. Should she stay here and protect the island like she is supposed to? Or should she follow this new character? Finally, curiousity got the best of her and she decided that the island would be perfectly fine on it's own for a while, and began to take off after Knuckles. She, being an excellent flyer, with help from her braids (Echidnas, used magic to soar through the air with the use of their braids or dreadlocks), quickly caught up with Knuckles. She made sure to be careful and stay out of sight. She still didn't know if he was friend or foe. Knuckles soon landed on an island that seemed to be suspended in the air by some kind of magic. She had heard stories of this island, but she thought it was nothing more than a myth. Not long after landing, Knuckles was soon caught up in a game of tag with an armadillo, a crocodile, a chameleon and a bee. THUD! She crash landed onto the hard, warm ground, "Ouch!, I really got to work on that!" she sighed, as she got up and dusted herself off and creeped towards a bush. She sat behind them resting her head upon her hands. She sighed dreamily as she watched Knuckles play tag. Her long white braids fell over her face as her crystal blue eyes watched them carefully. A puff of purple smoke appeared beside her; she almost jumped six feet in the air. "My, my, my," the little voice said from within the cloud. She stared nervously at it, expecting something to jump out and attack her. "What do we have here??" the voice inquired. The figure became clearer. It was a little fire-ant standing beside her. She continued not to say anything, just blink. "A spy? An intruder?" he said more loudly, obviously trying to capture someone's attention. She looked nervously around to see who he might be talking to. She froze. Her mouth went in an 'O' shape, and her braids slapped against her face. The previously tag-playing group were leaning over her, with angry expressions -- except for Knuckles: he seemed to be surprised at her appearance -- or even existence! As she shifted her gaze from one to another, it was obvious she was caught. Trouble! Her face turned as red as Knuckles's fur, with embarrassment. "What was she going to say now? How was she going to explain herself?," she thought. "Well," the armadillo sighed, and turned to Knuckles as if he had an answer. Knuckles just stood there as shocked as Silver was; then smiled and offered his large hand to her. It was very clear now why he was named "Knuckles:" he had a large, sharp, thorn-like piece of flesh protruding from each of his two knuckles. She looked up nervously, her face beet red, and took his hand and stood up. His fur was bright red, with a little white crescent around his neck, with long dreadlocks, and deep brown eyes; he also wore red, green and yellow coloured shoes on his feet. She could feel the angry stares of the others burn into her back as she dusted herself off. It made her uncomfortable. She shifted her weight from side to side, hoping that they would stop. They didn't. She turned her head nervously and smiled a huge stupid grin. Their expressions didn't change. She put her head down, and turned back to Knuckles. "Well." His huge hand touched her arm, "Who are you?" A tingling sensation ran up her arm and made her heart beat at sonic speed. She blushed. "And why were you spying on us?" the chameleon interrupted. Knuckles seemed annoyed at first but then shook it off. "I..., uh..., I..., wasn't spying" she whispered; her face was growing hot. "Then WHAT were you doing?" the chameleon continued. "Espio, I'll take it from here," Knuckles growled. Silver moved back cautiously. Knuckles looked at her for an answer, "I... I... don't know." She put her head down sheepishly. She could hear confused whispers being spread from one animal to another. "Who are you then?" the crocodile took off his headphones and inquired. "I'm Silver Star," she blushed. "I'm Knuckles," he said proudly, "This is Espio." He pointed towards a purple chameleon about three feet tall, with brown eyes and green shoes. "Charmy," he continued waving his hand in the direction of a little smiling bee, with a black helmet and red hightop sneakers. "Vector," he groaned, motioning towards a green crocodile with blue sneakers, and headphones, who was currently caught up in a dance. "And Mighty," he sighed, glancing at a black, red and yellow armadillo with red and white sneakers. "Uh, hi?" she whispered, too embarrassed to really say anything. "Hello," Charmy swooped down in front of her, causing her to jump. She was terrified that he might sting her. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you," Knuckles said with a smile. "Hi," Espio whispered and then disappeared, "Yo man, er... WO-man, slap me some skin!" Vector yelled as he held out his hand. Silver slapped it with a smile. She had never seen such an interesting character before. "Hello," Mighty grunted, then walked away, uninterested. Silver looked down where the fire-ant was standing, "Hey, what 'bout me? Don't I get an intro too?" he questioned curiously. "Oh yeah, this is Archimedes," Knuckles smiled; it made her feel like melting. "Hi," she smiled, not really looking at Archimedes. Her dreamy gaze was glued to Knuckles. "Well hello to you too!" He sounded insulted. She smiled bashfully at Knuckles, and he grinned back. She wondered if he had noticed how red her face was now. "Would you like a tour of the island?" he grinned at her. "Sure," she smiled, taking Knuckles's hand and following him. She could feel the shocked stares from the group, but she didn't mind. Her heart melted as they walked hand in hand. After a half an hour of walking, they stopped. "This," he pointed at a sparkling lake, "is Angel Lake." He turned to her. "Wow! It's beautiful," she exclaimed as she turned her face towards Knuckles and began to stare dreamily into his eyes. His emotions were hard to read, as if he wanted to keep them to himself. He returned the stare. They started to move their heads closer together. She started to close her eyes, but then he suddenly turned away and started walking towards a bush. She almost fell in shock, "Uh..., " he stuttered looking back embarrassed. "Shall we continue?" His fur turned a darker shade of red. "We shall," she teased, feeling relieved that she wasn't the only one who was embarrassed. The tour continued until night. "And this," he looked towards an old grey rock beside the edge of the island, "Is where I like to go and watch the sunset." "It's gorgeous," she sighed, staring into the sunset. She could feel him staring at her. She slowly turned her head around. He whipped his head back to the sunset, "Yeah," he sighed. She could tell that there was something he wanted to say: she wanted to say it too. She slowly approached him, thinking, "This time I'll make the first move." She softly brushed his dreadlocks back. He looked surprised, but didn't stop her. She kissed him gently on the cheek. He turned around and put his arms around her waist and pulled her close. They started a kiss that wouldn't end for a few minutes; anyone could tell that it might've progressed to something more, but Espio, Mighty, Charmy, and Vector suddenly appeared from within the brush. "Well, well, well, aren't we Mr. Lover Boy?" Espio teased. Knuckles was so shocked he let go of Silver and she hit the ground. THUD! "Oof!" she groaned, as she started to get up. "Get lost you guys! Don't you have any respect for privacy?" Knuckles snarled. "Yeah, we do, but it's much more fun not to," Charmy snickered. Knuckles snarled and turned back to Silver. "Come on, let's get out of here." He grabbed her hand so suddenly that she almost tripped. He was pulling so hard that she felt her hand was going to rip off, she could feel the anger in his touch. Suddenly he stopped and turned around. It caught her by surprise, and she ran into him. They both stopped in each other's arms. The moment seemed to last forever; the world seemed to stand still. "What should we do now?" he grinned slyly at her. She sighed. "Let's just stay here for now and watch the stars." "Yes, let's," he sighed, hugging her close.