Tuesday, March 18, 2025
This index last updated: April 10, 2005.
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Funky Love!!: My Red Hot Chili Peppers page
The Author: Learn about Me, the WebMistress
The fanlistings and groups I'm a member of: Places who have me as a member - bless their hearts!
Please take a look at my Petition For Consumer Control Of Attendant Care - An issue that is very close to my heart!
Need Advice?: My new phone advice line for relationship advice- people with disabilities, their partners, friends and family.

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NEWS FLASH!!- If you are a disabled woman, a friend of a disabled woman or their partner, I am the Moderator of a new mailing list where you can share your experiences with others. You can discuss ANYTHING, social, personal...yes, even sexual. Go crazy people!!!
To send a subscription request, click on the logo below, it's that simple! The list is called "sexydisgal". Please email sexydisgal-owner@yahoogroups.com to tell me a bit about yourself and why you want to be subscribed. Thanks for your support!!