Duran Quiroz, Elementary Education B.Sc. student; she is not only
my best friend, she is my love, my reason for life and become better every
day. The day that seh said me that accept me like her boyfriend, has the
most importante day in my life, because I'm fall in love her from the first
day that I knew her. She is doing just now her practices in a kindergarden
in Puebla, and beginning her thesis project. I love you Miriam!!! And I
miss you too!!
Y que mas quieres que te diga mi amor, si cada palabra que
te pueda decir fuera una poesia, los libros no bastarian para
expresarte mi amor. Hoy como todos los dias, tu recuerdo me acompaña
y mi corazón te lleva, en cada latido, en cada momento...
Mendez Rojas, Odontologist student; no, no is casuality that he
has my family name: he's my brother. He like singing, play guitar and sports.
His girlfriend, Gaby and her child Joseline,
are the most important in this world for him. He's the most independent
of three brothers. I miss you "manito".
Luis Guillermo Hernandez, Industrial Chemistry B.Sc. student; well, we have been friends from the High School. He is a part of a group known like "The Turtles" (Las tortugas), in which I was part sometime; they are Victor, Alejandro, Leon, Huicho, Oscar, Luis Vallejo and many others.
Dr. Enrique Gonzalez, Ph.D. Chemistry and Chief of the Chemical Center in the Sciences Institute. He has been my inspiration in the chemistry, my best professor.Now, he is working in a research about polymers with affinity for metals, metaloenzyme-like compounds, etc.
Mauricio Talavera Spezzia, Computers Engineering student; he like the movies (currently, he has a lot of his most preciated movies in VC, purchased during the last years). He has the spirit of God in his hearth, so, he is our hope when we are lost.
Dr. Felix Ares, Informational Systems and Computers Doctor. He is working in the Office of Informatics in the Caxa of Guipuzcoa in San Sebastian, Spain. He is one of the editors of the ALEPHZERO Journal. He likes the internet, the telecomunications and more.
Dra. Marie Pierre Phialon, Ph.D. Chemistry, now working as Research Assistant in the Contreras Laboratory, doing research about boron compounds and coordination chemistry. She is a nice french girl, that is the poor victim of bad mexican guys which are teaching to speak some "bad words" in spanish. Hey, be careful!
Dr. Eusebio Juaristi Cosio, Ph.D. Chemistry, one time, Chief of the Chemistry Department in CINVESTAV, now, one of the most important organic chemists in Mexico. His research involves the synthesis of quiral auxiliar compounds, physical organic chemistry, solving of stereoisomers, and more. I'm honred with his friendship since the Summer Chemistry in Cuernavaca, 1996. His webpage is here.
("Paco") Romero, Ph.D. Human
Genetic student; he is a B.Sc. Biology graduate student from CU, he was
the "problem kid" in UDLAP, until he going to CU as part of an
interchange program, but never back to UDLAP. He is one of the most enthusiastic
persons in my near generation that I mean. Sometimes, he spend part of
his time in the Jaguar-BBS as moderator of the Sexuality Board, and posting
comments in Sciences board. His webpage is here.
Ileana Ruiz Conaghur,She is now a paradox in my cyberlife. Many times she has touched my life in several ways, appearing in the just moment...sometimes she scares me because her knowledge about me...maybe she only want know me more, maybe she want more... what can I said of you? That you don't call me yesterday and the phone is death.
Marcela Juarez Hernandez, Chemistry B.Sc. graduate student (wll, almost graduated, she is doing now some final test); she study at the Tlaxcala University, and we meet us a course of Infrared Methods in UNAM, Mexico City. Since, she has appears in my life many times, in the Summer Chemistry, etc. She like the organic chemistry, so I guess that now, that is doing his M.Sc. degree in Biothechnology in the ITESM, campus Monterrey, she will be in good hands.
Gerardo Martinez Landa, Electronic Enginnering
graduate student; He is now working as an independent software programming.
He is my best friend, we
meet us in the High School, and since we have take many cofees in Tok's
every saturday. You can visit his homepage.
Like a good "computer kid", he love makes programs in C++; this is a
musical program that send me just today (MUSIC.EXE). Que onda mi buen, ya nos estamos
viendo pronto...prepara la celebracion en el TOKS!!
Jose Luis Ramirez, Electronic Enginnering graduate student; he is my "guru" in the cyberpunk underground culture; he introduce me to many of the misteryous in the web. He mantanin a web page about an ambiciuos fanzine named FRACTAL, which contains sci/fiction tales, cyberpunk relates, and many many interesting things. Felicidades por tu pasado cumpleaños mi buen...!!
Homero Hector Contreras Pulido, Industrial Engineering (graduated). He is one of my best friends in Mexico. Sometimes we don't compart the same ideas, but we are good friends. His family has give one great support during my High School and University. He is now working in Profitex, a textil industry in Puebla. You can visit his homepage.
Amezcua Garcia,Ph.D. Chemistry student;
he, like me, come from UDLAP, where he make his B.Sc. in Chemistry; now
he is working under the supervision of Dr. Smith in his graduate research.
He is one of the best persons to mannage one NMR equipment (200, 300 or
500 MHz) that I know! His webpage is here.
Dr. Henry C. Kelly, Ph.D. Chemistry professor in TCU; Hey, I like this man!, he visited two times in UDLAP, one first for gives a course to the chemistry students and the next for a lecture during a scientific meeting. Really, he is here like my grandfather!
Tiemman, B.Sc. Biology graduate student
(from UDLAP); she was the best student in the Sciences School. Now, she
is working in his Ph.D., but I don't know about what topic. Maybe some
thing about vamps or bats, because one friend said me it, but really I
don't know.!
Guzman, M.Sc. Physics (Liquids) graduate
student; he is an important part in the Editorial Board in the ALEPHZERO
Journal since he send us a lot of articles. He is a prolific writer in
divulgation and sci-fiction topics. Now, he is working in the
Ibarra Cantu, Chemistry B.Sc. student; she like the parties,
dance, music, Calvin & Hobbes, sing while she work, and dream...dream...she
is a great dreaming. Sometime we fight for every thing, but now we have
a special friendship, because she knows that has a special place in my
life. She now is working in her Thesis research about Electrooxidation
of Toxic Compounds in Wastewater, in the Electrochemistry Lab., of the
Chemistry and Biology Department.
Monica Cerro Lopez, graduated Chemistry B.Sc.: she is a very special part of my life because was the 50% of my generation during our graduation; our friendship is one of the most values things that I have now; she like the romantic music, dancing, the night with its surprises, write poetry, and dream that one day, she like a bird, will fly...Now she is working as Research Assistant in the Electrochemistry Lab., and thinking about her graduate studies and learn french.
Ariadna Teissier, Chem.B.Sc. student;she enjoy the life with a personal way to be, like the music, dancing, know new people, the biochemistry, the horoscopes, the american football plays (specially if a team of Saltillo or Monterrey is playing)...she is doing her thesis in the same topic that Caty, but she was working with Dr. Jimenez-Montano in a Molecular Biophysics research.
Lourdes Isabel ("Lurisa") Cabrera, Chem.B.Sc. student; oh my God!, she is the most happy human being that I know over this world. She likes everything, with some exceptions: photography, reading, music, dancing, make new friends, parties...She has a confidence for everybody when any is sick or sad, the right word...Really that I miss you Luri...She now is working (Social Service) in the Electrochemistry Lab.
Gabriel Merino Hernandez, Chem. B.Sc. student; I said that he is the "Trova Profet", because he had introduced to this special music to almost all the chemistry students in UDLAP!, now he is working in his Thesis research in the Research and Advanced Studies Center (CINVESTAV) in Mexico City, about coordination compounds (news!!) of silver and stannum with some organic molecules. He is one of my best friends, because he introduced me with my actual love, Miriam.
Daniel Lozada, Pharmacy B.Sc. (especiality in Biothecnology) student; one person real, "neta", which values to the otehr people in reason of their humanity...he like the soccer of, as he said, the "jutbol"...
Rocio Sastre, Biology B.Sc. student; she was my right hand during one of our most complicated years in UDLAP (the CICIAQB organization). She like the natural life, the ecology, the friendship, the people...She now is fininshing her Thesis Project about Recycling in the Cholula community.
and Lalo Rosas, Felipe Cordova (Hello "Maestro Cordova"!!), Dr. Quiroz, Dr. Aliphat, Maestra Parra, Anita, Anel, Karina, Marianela, and all the little chemists...sorry, this could be an infinite list...send me yours resumee in order to process in this page...jejejeje!
Ulises Flores Villalobos, Chemistry B.Sc.
student; he was working in complexes of amines with porphyrin-like-molecules,
maybe now he is working at some topic about supramolecular chemistry, under
the supervision of Dr. Anatoly Yatsmirsky. One "neto" friend,
that live in Xochimilco, Mexico.
Ricardo Alfaro Fuentes, Chemistry B.Sc. student graduate; now he is begining his Ph.D. in Chemistry in UAEM, Cuernavaca. He like the sports, specially the gymnastic.
Dr. Xavier Soberon Mainero, Director of the Instituto Nacional de Biotecnologia (National Institute of Biotechnology), in Cuernavaca, Morelos. His research is about structure and function relations in macromolecules (peptides and DNA), characterization by physical chemistry methods and developing of new methods for DNA transfer and mutations.
Gabriela Espinoza Porragas, Engineering Chemstry graduate student; she is doing now his Ph.D. in Engineering. She is now with other two ex-ULDAP students (Oliver and Claudia). She is making something like simulation of processes in computer. Some time ago, she was a chemist, but she have prefered the dark and hard way to learn...jejeje
Ramon Vallejo Diaz, Mechanic Engineering graduate student; he is
working in this important ensambling plant, in the new VW project. He has
been my friend since the Secondary School...
Francisco ("Paco") Martinez y Elvira, Chemical Engineering graduate student; he want make a M.Sc. in Biotechnology, maybe at UAM-I, Mexico City. He has one child and his wife, Miriam; they are a beautiful family. He work in the area of Acquisitions and Quality Control.
Alexei Albores Barajas, Chemical Engineering graduate student;
now he is working in the Quality Control Department of XEROX Mexicana,
in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Now he is more near of his love, but not of
his loved Chiapas...one of my best friends during the University education,
and good friend of my girlfriend Miriam.
se dice que el amigo se conoce en las cantinas, en la carcel, en el hospital
y en la desgracia...afortunadamente yo los he conocido en muy buenas circunstancias
y se que en caso de necesitarlos, cuento con ellos asi como ellos saben
que cuentan conmigo..." |