One of the major rules of being a teenager is shotgun. This is not only a way of getting your way, but I rule of life to live by. The term shotgun comes from the cowboy days when the person sitting next to the driver carried a shotgun to protect them from bandits and such. Today shotgun is the covetted front seat position and also radio master. Shotgun is a game that is played with great skill. To actually win fairly there are many rules to obey. Teh basic rule is that shotgun must be called before every trip, but you must be outside first (unless special cases, like severe car sickness, but this must be proven before perma-shotgun can be given). Some say the driver must be outside, but that is to the discretion of the players. Other shot gun rules include the ever annoying "challenge". Now challenge can be called by any other passenger of the vehicle. Challenge consists of a game of rock, paper, sissors, or a game of odds and evens. The winner of course gets shotgun. A rider of shot gun can be taken from shotgun when they leave the car, unless they state before hand that they will be retaining their shotgun privelege. Any person remaining in the car may take shotgun if the other passengers leave. The driver may also determine who rids shotgun. A girl/boyfriend always has perma-shotgun of their partners vehicle. Also, any girl riding in a guy only vehicle has first chose of the shotgun privelege, but may choose to forfeit. A person who consistently has shotgun is called a shotgun-gaper or a shotgun-H. The original Guelph Ontario shotgun-H would be Stephanie C. who uses any measure, sometimes violent to get shotgun. Shotgun maybe taken away by the driver for any number of reasons including failure to comply with drivers radio wishes and/or playing the same song over and over again (VODKA).

The Slurpee

One of the vital fluids of life is of course, the slurpee. Slurpees can be bought at basically any convience store but we prefer Max Milk, at the corner of Kortright and Gordan, tell them the trouble makers sent you. Musod works there and although he seems very crusty he's not that bad, though he does sometimes forget to reset the gas pumps. Anyway, slurpees are best heavy on the pee, cause if not you end up with that white ice-crap at the bottom, but you don't want them to have too much slur cause then it's just syrup and you end up like that simpson's when they signed up for junior rangers. Slurpees must have more than one flavour in them, preferably on eflavour should be 7up. Do buy slurpees for your friends. Do weez the juice. Do pay for slurpees with very loose change. Do harass Musod when he won't give you your change. Do drink your slurpee fast to get that brain freeze. DO NOT EVER attempt to eat that crap on the bottem.

Bad as it seems - Haydn

Girl of my dreams Things are as bad as they seem She is only sixteen That's why she's only a dream Woman of my dreams Lives right down my street Has a daughter who's only sixteen That's why she's only a dream What do I do this for? Got to get out some more Go down to teh grocery store Meet some one I'll adore Some one who'll make me laugh Some one to be my better half Keep me warm under the sack Share with me my midnight snack. House of my dreams Things are as bad as they seem My parents house I'll stay for free Until I'm at least forty-three

Links that are pretty rad

Slurpees... nector of the gods:
Mr Wizard's (or something) slurpee site:
Shotgun rules: these are another variation of the rules
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