The page of things that suck.

This page is dedicated to everything that sucks, which is what I decide. Or if you want you can e-mail me at or and tell me what you think sucks. I'll decide if it really does suck or not.

ex-boyfriends - send me stories of your ex-boyfriend and get an honorable mention.

my accident - and the fact my insurence is going up.  Once again.. your "yeah, but listen to my..." stories are welcome

wierd tasting ice cubes

sucky waterpolo refs

cigarette smoke

trig identites.. aka liquid death

burnt bagels and strawberry cream cheese


the months of october and november

any guy that qualifies as a J.B.M.C.  (Steph... where do we sent them?)

new girlfriends

teenie boppers..the ones that wear glitter on their face and get in my way

public transit (which I'll be taking cause I can't afford to drive)

any and all history classes

bad smells

any of my parents cds

crappy coffee from Williams

christmas shopping

being harassed to go, when I don't want to

cabbage, chick peas 

bottle water that comes from the same spring that me tap water comes from

my family... when they take their bad moods out on me

when my co-op teacher scheadules a class and then doesn't show up

This is Steph's list of things that suck.....

oranges that don't peel very well

short-long haircuts

slow ass drivers that insit on cutting you off and not signalling 


guys that look like hommie-Gs


when your parents insist you make your bed

how tampons cost so much

how zit creams do nothing

that nervous feeling you see some one that you either really like or hate

bitting your finger nails

bad haircuts

that tests always get scheaduled for the day that you were planning on skipping (it's like they know or something..)

pens that run out while you're writting

army pants that are grey white and black

the feeling you get when you really have to pee.  especially when you're in bed.

when you're looking through the laundry basket for a specif item of clothing and you find something the same colout but when you pull it out, it's a pair of your dad's underwear.

that annoying itch you get when you're perfectly comfortable and you try to ignore it but you just can't

people don't suck

Bitter? Here's some stuff to ease your pain, or just cause some more.

Hit them in the face, hard.
Your chance to cause some pain to annoying celebrities... I hit the Hansons.
Not getting your daily requirements of beats?
Decapitate an Angel
Abuse the innocent.
Back to the page of non-bitterness
but I'm sure there's some underlying, subliminal bitterness