The Faslexius: Government Gazette of the New Worcester Kingdom-Volume 1-Number 3-January 1999/I

FL 17- ‘We are the nation of the bighorn sheep’ Act.

Written by:*************************-Intos Province. 

The heart and spirit of the New Worcester Kingdom is Its connection 

to the bighorn

mountain sheep, ovis canadensis. Therefore, the bighorn mountain 

sheep, ovis

canadensis, shall be the official national animal of the New 

Worcester Kingdom. The

New Worcester Kingdom may culturally be referred to as the “nation of 

the bighorn


FL 18- The Holidays Act. 

Written by: *********************-Intos Province.

Here are the first holidays of the New Worcester Kingdom:

Founding Day- August 2. 

Founding Week- the week of August 2. 

Anthem Day- August 12. 

Aerosmithia Defeat Day- August 17.

Danos Day- September 5. 

Landreth Peace Day- October 1.

Constitution Day- November 22.

Abdication Day- November 26-27.

Big Horn Day- December 9.

FL 19- We Want Real Citizens Act. 

Written by: **********************-Intos Province. 

Any living child of an Esterite citizen may become a citizen if the 

parents or guardians

allow the child to do so, and if a law is written in the Faslexius 

saying the child is a

citizen. Any living person who is over the age of eight years may 

apply for and obtain

citizenship if approved through lawful procedures. 

To become an Esterite citizen, that person must send his/her first 

name and last name,

his/her age in years, his/her birth date, his/her current snail-mail 

address, and  his/her

electronic mail address (optional). After one week, the Monarch, 

Prime Chief or

appointed individual will decide to let the person continue or not. 

If accepted, the person

must be contacted. The person MUST reply within four days to become 

an Esterite


FL 20- The Voting, Election, Running Act. 

Written by: ***********************-Intos Province. 

To vote in a national or general election, you must have attained the 

age of ten years. To

run in an election or hold office, you must have attained the age of 

eleven years. To

become Monarch or Prime Chief, you must have attained the age of 

twelve years. 

The voting ages of provincial, county and hark elections shall be 

regulated by the

authorized governments of the provinces, counties or harks but shall 

not be lower than

that of nine years or higher than that of twenty six years. 

FL 21- Honourary Citizenship Act. 

Written by: *****************************-Intos Province. 

The King, Queen, or House of Law may grant people honourary 

citizenship. Honourary

citizens do not have the right to vote, become Monarch or Prime 

Chief, or participate in

the legislative branch. To become an honourary citizen, you must have 

attained the age of

four years. 

FL 22- Provincial and County Constitutions Act. 

Written by: ****************************8-Intos Province. 

Colonies shall not have the right to form official constitutions for 

themselves. The King,

Queen, Prime Chief, or House of Law may grant certain territories the 

right to form

official constitutions for themselves. Every province and county has 

the right to create an

official constitution for itself. 

Provincial constitutions must be signed in pen by the Lord of that 

province, those who

have wrote the constitution, and the King (or an appointed 

individual). Before a province

may create a constitution, there must be an approved law in the 

Faslexius authorizing its

construction. Also, a copy of it must be given to the Esterite 

Historical Society (EHS), the

King or Queen, the Prime Chief and the Central Linguistic Agency 

(CLA). Before it can

be put into force, it must be approved by a law in the Faslexius and 

in the lesser Faslexius

of that province. 

County constitutions must be signed in pen by the Duke of that 

county, those who wrote

the constitution, the Lord of the province that the county is in, and 

the King (or an

appointed individual). Before a county may create a constitution, 

there must be an

approved law in the Faslexius authorizing its construction. Also, a 

copy of it must be

given to the Esterite Historical Society (EHS), the King or Queen, 

the Prime Chief and

the Central Linguistic Agency (CLA). Before it can be put into force, 

it must be approved

by a law in the Faslexius, the lesser Faslexius of the county, and 

the lesser Faslexius of

the province that the county is in. 

Provincial and county constitutions are not permitted to deal with 

finance, taxing, war,

treaties, the administration of the federal government, or lowering 

the powers of the

Lords or Dukes. The federal government has the right to change or 

remove the provincial

and county constitutions. The provincial and county constitutions are 

under the authority

of the Laws of New Worcester. 

FL 23- Amendment to the Laws of New Worcester #1.

Written by: ********************************-Intos Province. 

There shall be this amendment to the Laws of New Worcester, as 

approved in Article

Four, Section three:

Amendment One: 

Section one:The executive head of the House of Law shall be called 

the Lejilord. Every

year, when the House of Law assembles it shall elect a Lejilord to be 

the head of the

House of Law. The Lejilord shall be an MH and shall have the right to 

veto bills in the

Hol. The Lejilord shall be able to make statements (when approved by 

half of the Hol) on

the behalf of the House of Law. 

Section two:The executive head of the Holy Esterite Court shall be 

called the Elder

Justicar. Every three years, when the Holy Esterite Court assembles 

it shall elect an Elder

Justicar to be the head of the Holy Esterite Court. The Elder 

Justicar shall be a Justicar

and shall have the right to veto bills in the Hec. The Elder Justicar 

shall be able to make

statements (when approved by half of the Hec) on the behalf of the 

Holy Esterite Court. 

FL 24- Amendment to the Laws of New Worcester in Vocatae #1. 

Written by: **********************-Intos Province. 

Translated by: *********************ex-citizen. 

This is the official translation of Amendment One of the Laws of New 

Worcester into


Pengi Vear:

Tectox di:Gaiusveta presidoae exodonic Lejilord iedicon. Althin 

ginua, Gaiusveta

colecolem Lejilordsip talozoncon pheum exodonic Gaiusvetaeic. MH 

Lejilord pheumcon

cub abili aceptosin xotevap Holsiv. Gocmunsin Lejilord quacercon 

ultacon (undolem

obon Holic enciclomon) pictoie Gaiusveta. 

Tectox ca:Niato Esteri Calacor presidoae exodonic Mencoi iedicon. 

Althin tri ginuasin,

Niato Esteri Calacor colecolem Mencoisip talozoncon pheum exodonic 

Niato Esteri

Calacoric. Iustico Mencoi pheumcon cub abili aceptosin xotevap 

Hecsiv. Gocmunsin

Mencoi quacercon ultacon (undolem obon Hecic enciclomon) pictoie 

Niato Esteri


FL 25-The Cultural Language.

Written by:**********************\-Intos Province. 

The cultural, spiritual, natural and native language of the New 

Worcester Kingdom shall

always be and remain Vocatae. Vocatae is also known as Foxish. 

Vocatae is also known

as God-Latin. All amendments to the Laws of New Worcester written in 

the Faslexius

MUST be translated into Vocatae by an authority on the language, even 

if this authority

is no longer a citizen.