

Grades 4-6

Ben's Dream

Scavenger Hunt

Super Sleuth Example

Research Skills For All Ages

Super Sleuth Detective Game

Super Sleuth is a library skills game that can help teach research skills to elementary grade students. Students are given a category for the week. Each day of the week they are given a new clue to help them verify the answer. When students have verified four to five of the given clues, they place an answer ballot in a ballot box. Answers are posted every Monday.

Students will demonstrate efficient use of library media center research tools by successfully verifying clues to Super Sleuth games.

Lesson Plan:
Students are given a Super Sleuth category and Monday's clue. Students look at the words in bold print to help guide them to begin their research. Students must verify facts about the clue. Each day students are given a new clue with new information to verify. Students must verify several clues before they can place a ballot in the ballot box. Students must name the sources they used to help them verify facts.

View a Super Sleuth example

Visit some of the other available research activities grouped by level.

Ben's Dream

Scavenger Hunt
Grades 4-6

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Leslie M. Klish